第一回:海岸線 — 如果,沿岸的潮汐站,連起一條生態海岸線……|Episode 1: When tide gauge station fulfil more than its scientific purposes

2019年成立的空間活用及改造案例平台「GUTS 吉人吉事」,經過一年的蛻變後再下一城,延伸出「GUTS:CITY 吉城記」以搜羅香港各處具潛質的地方,探索改造空間的可能性並予以實踐。
這是天文台位於大埔滘的潮汐測量站(Tide Gauge),負責監測水位變化,在颱風來襲時更是協助預測風暴潮的重要設施。在香港沿岸,其實共有14個潮汐站,面對惡劣天氣,這些潮汐站堅毅不屈;遇到在岸邊玩耍的兒童,它們也同樣面不改容。潮汐站,除了擔當一個理智冷靜的科學家以外,它還可以更落地、在它身處的地區有更多使命嗎?第一期GUTS:CITY,我們將看看潮汐站,在社區規劃之中是否可以有更多可能性。
位處較偏遠的潮汐站,若海域有足夠水深(如水深多於8米),可在潮汐站停泊大型的垃圾清理裝置(Movable Trash Eaters),在岸邊過濾垃圾之餘,它可同時出動到不同區域收集及清理香港的海洋垃圾,亦可以協助民間團體,統一收集透過划船等撿拾的垃圾。
地點 : 香港各個潮汐測量站
GUTS, emblematic of Generative Utilisation and Transformation of Spaces, was born in 2019 as a platform to seek progress from mere identification of compilation of different instances of GUTS. A year later, we now proudly present GUTS:CITY to scout potential sites across Hong Kong to explore and implement transformative interventions.
As an affiliation of GUTS, the new initiative envisions a better Hong Kong that evolves from sheer utilitarian structures and underuse of public and private spaces. While our proposals will primarily be set out to be speculative, they are also designed to be compatible with existing contexts with an elevated level of buildability in hopes that this better vision we dream of will meet the one we currently live in.
These GUTS:CITY proposals serve as concluding chapters of the different themes that we have explored at GUTS. These ideas and proposals are by no means the only solutions – they are incubators of even more creative ideas from our fellow GUTS:MAN.
There are 14 Tide Gauge Stations along the coastline of Hong Kong standing in solitude against the reckless typhoons and the never-ending bombardment of sea waves. These stations are always stoic in the face of these harsh conditions, and stoic they remain even when the friendliest of children attempt to reach out and approach them. Does this have to be the case? Can Tide Gauge Station be more than a silent observer, but rather, an active guardian that protects and provides for the community around it? For this episode of GUTS:CITY, we have looked into the typology of a Tide Gauge Station to see if there is more that can be offered by these stations.
Tide Gauges Stations as Nodes of the New Water-Eco Border
Scattered along the coastal border of Hong Kong, the tide gauge stations can double their function as nodes that form the new water-eco border. At the interface between sea and land, which is the main contributing site of sea garbage, the new Border can eventually become a mechanism that catches and filters the incoming and outgoing floating trash.
For each station itself, depending on its immediate geographical context and community demographics, different adaptations can be introduced.
Algae Sea Bath
If the site is relatively shallow (<4m), with an active community around, the tide gauge station can double as an Algae Sea Bath. Lining the perimeter with algae, a filtered zone can be formed with the algae feeding on some of the harmful substances in the sea. The clean water body can thus become a sea bath for different water activities.
Shellfish Walkway
For sites with medium depth (4-8m), with a somewhat active community, we can anchor a fish raft at the tide gauge Station. With surfaces for shellfish to adhere to, the water quality at these fish rafts would also improve, encouraging biodiversity. A walkway would then be developed to attract visitors to learn more about the diverse sea life in the water body of Hong Kong.
Tidal-Rubbish Collection Station
At remote sites with a deep seabed (>8m), a docking station for mobile Movable Rubbish Eaters can be incorporated, allowing these rubbish eaters to be deployed to the different areas of Hong Kong’s open water to collect floating trash. The station then doubles as the trash collection station, that both passively filter out tidal trash as well as to facilitate the active collection by the rubbish eater and the water sportspeople who might be collecting trash while kayaking, canoeing, etc.
While adequate design can ensure each tide gauge Station will function optimally, there is more that can be done for the built structures in our city. Boasting one of the longest coastal borders of a city, one can imagine how much improvements can be implemented to enhance our experience at the interface between the water and land. The next step would be to turn these into a reality!
Location: Tide gauge stations in Hong Kong
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