帶一本書去行山|Bring Yourself a Book and Hike

《The Dragon’s Back》
作者:Thea Whittington;出版:BLACKSMITH BOOKS
Dragon’s Back,即是位於香港島東南部的石澳郊野公園內的「龍脊」,是香港熱門的遠足地點,風景壯麗,曾獲旅遊指南《孤獨星球》選為「香港最佳遠足路線」之一,也是CNN旅遊網站推薦的「香港島五條新手遠足路線」之一。由Thea Whittington寫的這本兒童書,正是把這條有名的行山徑,化成一個關於男孩與巨龍的故事,可說是現代版的「龍脊」神話!
黃進曦的畫,讓人想起英國藝術家David Hockney,兩人皆着眼於平凡而寧靜的景物,捕捉大自然的微小轉變。黃進曦所畫的,提醒我們常被忽略的細節,例如雲與風,例如水面的漣漪。這些都必須是畫家把自己融入大自然,再透過長時間的觀察及重複描繪,才能領悟和繪在畫中。
When Hong Kong imposed strict lockdown measures in the city during the pandemic, the countryside was swarmed with people looking for an escape in nature. While Hongkongers could give ourselves a pat on the back for venturing beyond window-shopping and movie-going during their rest days to explore the natural landscape that make up three quarters of Hong Kong’s land area, we can’t help but wonder: can our existing countryside accommodate such an influx of visitors? How can we ride on the pandemic-induced enthusiasm to raise public awareness for the conservation and development of Hong Kong’s country parks?
Over the past month, GUTS has initiated discussions on these questions in the hope of inviting readers to reimagine the potentials of our country parks. These articles have hopefully served as conversation starters to collect ideas and design solutions that would benefit park users, respect nature, and are tailor-made for our local conditions. If we imagine ideal strategies and designs to be people-oriented and environmentally sensitive, surely we need to first deepen our understanding of nature and its relationship with people?
GUTS has a bold proposal: why not start with books that hold vast amount of untapped knowledge? Our selection of local picture books, children’s books and art monographs offer fresh perspectives to appreciate Hong Kong’s nature. Hopefully, this will show why our precious countryside is definitely worth our efforts to make it better!
In Search of Flowers
Author: Human Ip Hiu-man; Publisher: Joint Publishing (H.K.)
Published in 2014, In Search of Flowers documents Human Ip Hiu-man’s encounters with Hong Kong indigenous plants in sketches and writings.
An ardent nature lover, Ip frequently explores the countryside with friends. She once said in an interview, “I discover something new every time I go hiking in Hong Kong and I want to capture this treasure hunt-like experiences in my writing.” The book documents 50 local plants. In addition to taking photos and live sketching, Ip also trawls through books to look up every plant’s history.
Native plants in Hong Kong indeed are a kind of natural heritage. One species of plant named “Hong Kong Milkwort” (scientific name: Polygala hongkongensis) was the first indigenous plant species discovered by three foreigners on Hong Kong Island in 1950. Ip attempts to trace the documentation of milkworts from ancient classics. She first located the ancient name of milkworts in The Broad Ready Guide (Guangya) from the Three Kingdoms period, which then led her to an earlier record in the Poetry Classic (Shijing) from the Spring and Autumn Period that noted “milkworts blossom elegantly in April; cicadas sing in May; farmers harvest in August; leaves fall off trees in October”.
Ip also writes about the natural scenery, including the hills and ponds she passed through during her search for local plants. Her simple yet powerful writing transports readers into the woodlands and mountains she has described.
Wild Neighbours – Hong Kong Amphibians
Author: &dear ; Publisher: ANDDEAR
Picture books are definitely the best medium to introduce readers to nature and wildlife. Despite living in a city with surprisingly rich biodiversity, not many would take time to appreciate or learn about our surroundings. Some might even scream when encountering rarely-sighted wild creatures and inadvertently scare them away.
Urbanites usually cannot help but shout during such unexpected encounters, probably conditioned by our biases towards hideous animals, such as frogs. Its strange appearance and unpleasant slimy skin, somehow deters people from finding out more about them.
This picture book by &dear is perfect for understanding Hong Kong’s amphibians. The artist group narrates the stories of Hongkongers’ wild amphibious “neighbors” through fun and humorous illustrations and surprising fun facts. For example, the Hong Kong Newts (scientific name: Paramesotriton hongkongensis) and the short-legged horned toads (scientific name: Megophrys brachykolos) will play dead when encountering danger by turning belly-up. Another example, when Asian Common Toads (scientific name: Duttaphrynus melanostictus) try to reproduce, the male will often mistakenly hug the wrong “mate” like the gecko, or even another male toad!
The Dragon’s Back
Author: Thea Whittington; Publisher: Blacksmith Books
Located on the south-eastern end of Hong Kong Island within Shek O Country Park, the Dragon’s Back is one of the most beloved hiking trails in Hong Kong. With outstanding scenic views, the trail is hailed as one of “the best hikes in Hong Kong” by the travel guide Lonely Planet, and listed as one of the “best five hiking routes on Hong Kong Island for beginners” by CNN Travel. The Dragon’s Back, a children book by Thea Whittington, is inspired by this superb trail to create a modern fantasy of a boy and a giant dragon.
The story begins with a city boy hiking up the Dragon’s Back with his family, and he realised before long that he was enjoying the scenic views on the back of an actual mountain dragon! Unfortunately, a forest fire broke out and the dragon was injured. In a role reversal, the boy decides to take care of this mythical creature, which has been safeguarding his homeland all this time.
With so many mountain ranges in Hong Kong, creating modern fairy tales are a good way to introduce our natural heritage to our kids!
《山語》(Words from the Hill)
Author: Wong Chun-hei Stephen
Publisher: Joint Publishing (H.K.)
In the drawings of Wong Chun-hei Stephen lies a sense of quiet contemplation and pensive poetics. Published in 2015, the art monograph Words from the Hill complies drawings completed during the period of 2008 to 2015. As the book title suggests, all the works feature Hong Kong’s hilly terrain.
Yet nature is not the sole subject of Wong’s artistic pursuits. Instead, many drawings juxtapose landscape and infrastructure. For example, one painting features the bare peak of Tai Mo Shan capped with antennas and radar devices; another features a lush canopy of trees surrounding a hilltop, with part of the hilly slope cut to make space for a concrete terrace to prevent landslides. Such scenes are a constant reminder of Hong Kong’s highly urbanised environment, and the ways modern technologies and construction have encroached upon nature. Infrastructure is meant to tame wilderness and minimise its potential damage to city dwellers, and at the same time, makes it easier to visit country parks for leisure.
Wong’s paintings are reminiscent of British artist David Hockney. Both seek to highlight the tranquil beauty of commonplace scenes and capture the subtle changes nature creates effortlessly. Wong’s works prompt us to focus on the little things that we often miss: the slowly drifting clouds, the gentle sway of cattails in the wind, and fields of radiating ripples brought by tiny bubbles punctuating the still water surface. Such keen observations could only be achieved as the artist had immersed himself in natural settings for long periods of live sketching; Wong often sketches the same setting and subject repeatedly to understand its essence.
Even though social media platforms and the popularity of photography had brought many great views of Hong Kong into the convenience of mobile screens and comfort of our homes, works by artists such as Kong Kai Ming, Mui Chong Ki, Au Yeung Nai Chim, and Wong possess ethereal atmospheric qualities, that enrich our nature experiences exceptionally. The calming presence of nature and its enduring necessity are much-needed in countering the frantic pace of urban life.
Location: Hong Kong
Photos: Internet
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