下一站,海洋公園?|Ocean Park... Next?

疫情之下,海洋公園傳出陷入財政危機的消息。海洋公園自1977年開幕至今,是不少香港人的集體回憶,一旦關閉,難免令人感概,而園內 7000 多隻動物亦會頓失家園。動物有可能流離失所,這彷佛是一個提醒,「海洋公園」這個曾經蜚聲國際的主題樂園,本來以自然保育、推廣環境教育為理念,但近年營運模式愈趨商業化,巿場策略亦轉向集中吸納更多內地訪客,逐漸遠離初衷。在立法會通過撥款救公園的同時,也反映出海洋公園近年的營運模式並不有效,我們想帶吉人一起跳出思考框架:若海洋公園真要停業或轉型,對香港是否一件好事?我們有什麼選項?
世界各地其實有不少動物園和主題樂園,因經營問題而關閉,最終變成廢墟,除了偶爾有人潛入歷險拍照,長年丟空實際上浪費了不少空間資源。加拿大溫哥華的史丹利公園(Stanley Park),自1888年開幕,一直有部分範圍闢作動物園,把野生動物展示於遊客眼前。一家大小假日到史丹利公園看北極熊,是溫哥華幾代人的集體回憶。直至九十年代,愈來愈多聲音反對野生動物被圈養,史丹利公園在1994年溫哥華一次公投之後,關閉所有動物園設施,動物則送至農莊和愛護動物機構等。沒有動物居住的空間和設施,很快被改裝成三文魚養殖場,一方面善用公園已有的設施,發展可持續生態,另一方面保留了溫哥華人的集體回憶。
新西蘭的海洋動物園「海洋世界 Marineland」,多年來同樣圈養了不少海洋野生動物及海豚,2008 年關閉後,保留了舊有水池的弧度和流線,於 2013 年改裝成滑板公園。
而機動遊戲樂園,外國亦有把它轉型和回歸社區的例子。在紐約,有一百年歷史的 Sherman’s Amusement Park 關閉 40 年後,最近業權人把主題樂園捐贈給一個非牟利社區藝術組織,計劃將這裡改變成表演藝術場地和社區公共空間,他說:「我們希望社區裏的人,可以重新享受這個地方」。
吉想 1 – 如果海洋公園變身本地生產園地?
吉想 2 – 如果香港擁有第一個極限運動場地?
吉想3 – 如果回歸保育自然環境,變成市區露營熱點?
COVID-19 is driving Ocean Park to the brink of bankruptcy, with the Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) eventually agreeing on a $HKD 5.4 billion bailout to keep the city’s signature park afloat. Since its opening in 1977, Ocean Park has undoubtedly been one of Hong Kong’s icons for tourists, as well as a significant part of the collective memory for every Hong Konger. The park used to attract over 7.7 millions of visitors per year in its hay days, but has since gradually fallen out of favour and has been running a deficit for years. With the budget approved by the LegCo on last Friday, we are calling for all GUTS:MAN to think about the possible reformations Ocean Park could take on for a more sustainable future.
Ocean Park is not a case on its own, there are a lot of international examples of reusing derelict zoos and amusement parks that could spark new insights in exploring the future of this rare piece of land in the heart of Hong Kong.
In Vancouver, the famous and historic Stanley Park Zoo, opened in 1888, is now a salmon hatchery, with a new mission of making contributions to the city’s important habitat restoration project. The Stanley Park Zoo, similar to Oceans Park, is an important part of Canadian’s childhood memory for generations. However, with the growing awareness and controversies around keeping animals in captivity, the Stanley Park Zoo was eventually closed in 1996 upon a referendum. With its original inhabitants moved out, the premise was not left to deteriorate but was instead converted for other conservational functions, with the polar bear habitat now served as a salmon hatchery and still open for public to visit.
Besides Canada, there are inspiring cases in the United States and New Zealand too. After its closure in 2008, Marineland in New Zealand was transformed into a multi-use facility including a skatepark. The shell of an aquarium tank is reused and transformed into an undulating concrete landscape for skaters. Apart from recreational activation, there are examples of other cultural and artistic revitalisation. The Sherman's Amusement Park in New York, after being closed for 40 years, is now being donated to the Caroga Arts Collective and repurposed into a performing arts venue. This park, with a history of over 100 years, will soon be back to serve its community once again.
Hong Kong, being one of the most densely-populated cities in the world, is facing incomparable challenges in land use that countries like Canada and New Zealand cannot imagine. Having said that, they have provided relevant and inspiring directions on how to reimagine and transform disused theme parks. Let’s spark our GUTS' creativity today and come up with a more forward-looking and relevant proposal to save Ocean Park!
GUTS: Thought #1
What if we turn Ocean Park into a space for local production? Hong Kong no longer has its own domestic production. How about revitalizing this piece of land into a hub for local fashion, homeware, or even food?
GUTS: Thought #2
What if we transform Ocean Park into the first extreme sports training hub for young people? We could definitely provide more in nurturing the development of extreme sports in our city apart from the skateparks. Perhaps reusing a roller coaster for it could be more than just a dream?
GUTS: Thought #3
What if we turn the space into a safari educational centre for overnight camping? Many of us had probably dreamt of hiding somewhere inside Ocean Park after its operation hours. What if we reinstate the nature of education in the park so animals could stay, and kids can start having safari camping? Could it become the most popular campsite in Hong Kong?
We have brainstormed these three ideas as food for thought. Now, it is your turn to share your GUTS: THOUGHT!
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