Interconnecting People
and Making Places


Each story in GUTS:CASE demonstrates an innovative and rooted transformation of idled resources. It is the collection of these good examples and inspiration for all.

過去三年,一口設計 和一口舍群 聯合起動了「壹屋計劃」,而一口研究 團隊則在背後作閒置資源研究。在探討過程中,團隊發現大眾對活用資源的接受程度和彈性,十分取決於對地方營造的認識。與此同時,當社區和地方營造在香港萌芽,不少關心這個議題的朋友,卻缺乏一個平台,把相關資訊推及至普羅大眾。
有見及此,一口研究 希望透過「GUTS吉人吉事」創新平台,向不同界別分享研究內容和連結社區,結集大家的力量,發揮最大成效。GUTS 的英文解釋為「膽量」,喻意在空間資源問題上必須以新視覺和方法看待未來城市和社區發展。在中國語文裡,「空」和「凶」同音,為免令大眾覺得「空」的空間為不利和凶險,普遍習慣用「吉」代替,比喻吉利和祝福。團隊亦希望以「吉」作寄語,予我城注入正能量和開拓空間資源的力量。
"GUTS” stands for “Generative Utilization & Transformation of Spaces”. We aim to promote the better use of underutilized resources in our city, focusing on People, Time, Day, Shop and Places at different scales and physical settings. It is a knowledge-sharing platform to empower the citizens to learn from international and local advocates.
Our city has advanced through building with density. Sharing the same struggle with other developed cities, density has created a tight supply of resources. Yet, idling resources can be spotted across the city, especially in districts awaiting regeneration. We have learnt to develop fast, we forgot to learn to establish wisely and effectively with the neighbourhood. Idling resources, which can be a shop, a pocket park or a piece of land, have caused a significant negative impact on community development. Vacancy of space breaks the connection between the people in a neighbourhood which requires tens of years to be rebuilt. The third spaces in our city have more potential than we could have imagined if we start to take a different step with the community.
Mission of GUTS is to take a positive approach to look at the issue of idling resources by creating a platform for inspiration and knowledge-sharing. Everyone is the future city builder, and every one of us can initiate activation of spaces around us. From the many global case studies we are going to mention, the scale of resources is not the determining factor of the success of activation. GUTS team believes that each tiny resource could make a change and inject positive movement in the planning of our city.
“GUTS” team includes a group of passionate city-lovers from architecture, journalism, urban designers and more!!! Powered by One Bite Research, the idea of “GUTS” has evolved since the “Project House” initiative was started by One Bite Design and One Bite Social three years ago. When One Bite Research is working behind the scenes on the study of underutilised public resources for Project House, most findings and challenges are pointing to the lack of common knowledge and know-how in the community. While “placemaking” is becoming a hot topic in the city, a knowledge-sharing platform is necessary to create a common open source for everyone. GUTS believes learning from others could facilitate the city to explore our own methodology in placemaking.
GUTS means courage and fortitude. We use GUTS to symbolise the need for taking new steps and stamina to work towards the betterment of our city with new insights and community development knowledge. The pronunciation of ‘GUTS’ in Cantonese is also the same as ‘Luck’, representing our blessing to the city.
Trust your GUTS, best of Luck!
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