香港街市:從三百年前說起的社區需要|Wet Markets in Hong Kong: Meeting Community Needs from 300 Years Ago

香港的街巿雛形,最早可以追溯至300多年前的元朗,因為近海、有河,元朗農業發達、交通便利, 聚集買賣的墟巿,很早就有文獻記載。至1840年代英軍佔領香港後,人口迅速增加、城巿開始發展,街巿隨著需求在街道上出現及延伸,當時的檔販仍是用雙肩擔著貨品、或以手推車推到人多聚集的地方販賣。1850年代,政府開始管理這些街道上的商業活動,例如把檔販遷移到有蓋的臨時場所。
千禧年後 吉舖漸多
Markets have long been an integral part of local communities: not only because they supply fresh produce daily; more importantly, they are vibrant neighbourhood spaces that allow people to come together and exchange information. As a site that cultivates social relationships, markets serve as a microcosm of a city’s history and culture. However, the number of wet markets has been dwindling in recent years, and the high stall vacancy rate of public markets remains a persistent issue. While some say that Hongkongers no longer need markets, others attribute its decline to the rise of supermarket chains and online shopping platforms.
In fact, markets originate from bazaars where people naturally gathered to trade and tackle their needs. Perhaps policymakers and architects should go back to the basics and accommodate the communities’ ways of living and consumers’ demands when it comes to the planning of new public markets. In this article, let us revisit the development of local markets, and reimagine how they could evolve in the future.
Yuen Long Bazaar and Central Graham Street: precursors of markets in Hong Kong
According to archival records, the earliest form of local markets could be traced to over 300 years ago in Yuen Long where rural villagers got together and sold their surplus produce. Later in the 1840s, when Hong Kong came under British occupation, the city started to develop and experienced a surge in population. The growing demand for goods and services facilitated the growth of markets as well as hawking activities. Itinerant street hawkers carried their food and wares on shoulder poles or trolleys. In the 1850s, the government started to regulate on-street commercial activities, such as setting up temporary indoor premises to accommodate the hawking trade.
The Graham Street Market in Central, with a history of more than a century, is now the last surviving outdoor market in Hong Kong. Take a stroll through the fresh produce and food stalls on Graham Street to catch a glimpse of old local markets’ unique vibes.
Market buildings in the 1930s: The Old Wanchai Market
In 1894, the devastating bubonic plague swept through the Tai Ping Shan district and claimed many lives. In order to improve public hygiene and reduce street hawking, the colonial government sped up the reconstruction work of Central Market, which became the largest meat market in Southeast Asia at one point.
Market facilities tailor-made for selling fresh produce were built during the 1930s to 1960s to further enhance environmental hygiene. One historical Wanchai Market was conserved and incorporated into the lower levels of The Zenith, a condominium development. The two-storey market, built in the 1930s, was designed to serve purely as an indoor market premise; fresh meat, poultry, vegetables and fruits stalls were located on the upper floor while the ground floor contained fish stalls. The former Bridges Street Market in Central is another site for studying the architectural style of old market buildings. This 1950s market complex has been revitalised and currently houses the Hong Kong News-Expo.
Municipal services buildings: where leisure and cultural facilities co-exist with markets
An influx of refugees arrived in Hong Kong after the Second World War. Many of them became itinerant hawkers to earn a living, causing street congestion and hygiene issues. In the 1970s, the government tightened its policies and stopped issuing hawker licenses. Hawkers were then encouraged to move into purpose-built indoor market complexes which offered stalls that were of similar size to a hawking cart. Amongst the strategies the government thought would bring hawkers convenience and help retain their customers, new markets were established next to existing open-air markets, such as Yau Ma Tai Market. However, the plan backfired. Residents still preferred outdoor markets because of its accessibility and natural ventilation; the food was also more reasonably priced in open-air markets as stall owners in indoor markets were charged management fees even though there were no escalators nor air conditioning. Therefore, indoor markets were only attractive to shoppers on rainy days.
With rapid population growth, the city started to expand vertically, and markets were no exception. In the 1980s, multistorey municipal services buildings came into service and housed venues for a variety of public services, including fresh markets, cooked food stalls, libraries, sports facilities, etc. The Yeung Uk Road Market in Tsuen Wan even came with a rooftop playground, offering children a playspace when their mothers were busy shopping. This design was loved by both parents and kids.
Increasing number of idle market stalls since the 2000s
In the 1990s, supermarket chains emerged and soon became a leading retail force. Supermarkets won the hearts of young customers with its cleanliness, air-conditioned environment, and the variety of goods offered, especially Western food products. On the contrary, traditional markets were losing its appeal due to aging facilities which caused poor ventilation, inadequate drainage, and other sanitation issues. According to a 2003 report by the Audit Commission, the overall vacancy rate of public market stalls was 22.6%. This means every two out of ten stalls were idle. Among them, 61.7% remained vacant for at least two years. The report urged the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to take immediate action to curb public fund wastage.
In 2005, the Hong Kong Housing Authority made a game-changing move: it sold a range of retail facilities in public housing estates to Link REIT, including fresh markets, shopping centres and car parks. As a commercial asset management company, Link’s renovated market stalls were rented out at higher prices compared to municipal markets, which drove up the prices of goods and services. Some residents refused to bear the price hike and went to markets in other districts to get cheaper food. Various community organisations urged the government to review the operation of public markets to control the prices of basic necessities.
In response, the government announced the “10-year Market Modernisation Programme” in 2018. The HK$2 billion scheme will be used to reconstruct and renovate old markets. For example, the renovation of Aberdeen Market started in November 2021. New public markets will also be built in new towns such as Tung Chung, Tin Shui Wai, Tseung Kwan O, etc. What would we see in the next generation of wet markets? How could we get markets upgraded apart from giving them a facelift? And what makes a modern fresh market perfect? In the next article, we seek inspiration from international case studies.
Location: Hong Kong
Image: Internet
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