香港士紳化:從利東街到深水埗|Gentrification in Hong Kong: From Lee Tung Street to Sham Shui Po

最近,深水埗因為「Shamshuipo is the new Brooklyn」再掀起熱議。它是否會發展成如Brooklyn的潮人聖地,仍是未知數;但不少吉人已意識到,若深水埗要變成新Brooklyn,必須避免步Brooklyn被大規模規劃的後塵,逼走原居民。深水埗或許是一個很好的實驗場所,考驗新興的文創產業,如何與原有的社區共存相處,成為一樁吉事。
Gentrification in Hong Kong: From Lee Tung Street to Sham Shui Po
Urban regeneration presents opportunities and challenges to old neighbourhoods. While it creates new business opportunities and a better environment, it might also introduce gentrification that disrupts the original community. As Hong Kong is undergoing rapid development, urban regeneration seems to be the destiny for every old neighbourhood, perhaps we can take this opportunity to take a closer look at how gentrification is playing out in our city!
Wan Chai’s famous ‘Wedding Card Street’ Lee Tung Street is the very first urban redevelopment project that provoked a discussion on gentrification in the city. After losing both the Central Star Ferry Pier and the Queen’s pier to demolition for land reclamation since 2006, Lee Tung Street was a wakeup call for people to value local heritage above economic value. However, Lee Tung Street was eventually cleared out in 2007 by the Urban Renewal Authority for redevelopment, which drastically impacted Wan Chai’s cost of rent. In 2009, real estate agents reported that the value of surrounding old tenement buildings has surged for 50%, forcing grassroots tenants to leave the area because of unaffordable rent. Nine years later, a new private estate ‘The Avenue’ debuted in the redeveloped area, it is not surprising that the sales value raised drastically to $19,776 per square metre, 4 times more than the original acquisition price.
Kwun Tong was another district designated for large-scale redevelopment after Wan Chai. Development of infrastructure, like the extension of MTR to old neighbourhoods like Sai Ying also brough gentrification to the area. In the near future, Kam Sheung Road in Yuen Long, and To Kwa Wan will soon be impacted as the railway reaches the districts.
Another typical case of gentrification in Hong Kong is Tai Ping Shan Street in mid-levels. Being Hong Kong’s oldest area for Chinese community, Tai Ping Shan Street is a place with rich history and heritage such as stone staircases, temples and historical traces, etc. In 2010, as the rent of Soho in Central skyrocketed, galleries and small handcrafted shops gradually moved westward to Tai Ping Shan Street for a relatively cheaper rent. The area was transformed into a vibrant cultural hub, attracting young visitors on weekends. The buildings was successively renovated into high-end galleries, old tenement buildings were redesigned into stylish apartments. The rent eventually spiked and it was almost as if planned destiny that the artists were then forced to move out as they could no longer afford the rent.
Recently, Sham Shui Po is facing a similar challenge. As a historic blue-collar district since 1940s, the district was once the home for refugees from the mainland. It later became a heaven of small-scale factories and wholesale distribution centre following the rapid economic development in Hong Kong. Since 2010, arty hostels and creative craft shops slowly emerged which initiating a discussion on whether gentrification is going to turn the area around. As the streets are being rejuvenated, Sham Shui Po is under spotlight on its subsequent impact to the cost of rent, and how would that impact the original residents. Do people need to change their lifestyle completely? As we observe for now, Sham Shui Po is still Hong Kong’s poorest district. While it continues to provide a breathing space for small scale art shops, it is already attracting developers’ aggression to turn the old tenement houses into serviced apartment.
The latest discussion on the redevelopment of the area is whether ‘Sham Shui Po is the new Brooklyn’. A new and ‘successful’ Brooklyn, as we all know, must avoid stepping into the dark holes of gentrification, replacing existing residents with the upper class. Sham Shui Po may be a good ground for experiment, for us to understand how new cultural industries and the original community could coexist in the same neighbourhood.
Photo source: Internet, City University of Hong Kong Archive
Location: Hong Kong
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