海綿城巿:香港雨水,何時不再倒進鹹水海?|Hong Kong as a Sponge: put rainwater into better use

自開埠以來,香港為了控制嚴重的水浸問題,雨水排放系統側重於地面與地下渠道網絡、疏導洪水,將雨水收集,然後統一排走;換句話說,除了有部分雨水透過集水區流入水塘成為食水,其他雨水則經雨水渠排出大海。這些集水區,總面積約佔香港三成土地,每年水塘儲水量平均約1億至3億立方米,若以香港每日用水量273萬立方米計算,水塘食水只夠全香港人用4個月 —— 看到這裏,你會否很驚訝:把珍貴的雨水倒進鹹水海,實在太大嘥了﹗
相片來源:網上圖片、 渠務署
Hong Kong as a Sponge: put rainwater into better use
‘Do not just flush us into the sea please’, murmured the raindrops, ‘We are precious water resources that could help mitigate extreme weather!’. To control flooding, Hong Kong’s rainwater drainage system has long focused on connecting on ground and underground pipe networks to drain floods and discharge them altogether. This means that Hong Kong is currently flushing large amounts of rainwater to the sea during rainy seasons, as only a small portion of the rainwater that fall into reservoir catchment areas are collected in the reservoirs and transformed into drinking water. With an average of 100 -300 billion m3 of water reserve in the reservoirs per year, it is barely enough to support Hong Kong’s water consumption for 4 months. To better adapt to climate crisis, it is time for GUTMANS to cut the waste and put rainwater to a better use!
Established cities around the world have started to transform themselves into Sponge Cities more than a decade ago. They fully utilized flower troughs, green roofs, permeable pavements to absorb and reuse rainwater to mitigate extreme weather conditions brought about by climate change. Is Hong Kong also well-prepared for such? Though a little lagging behind, Hong Kong’s Drainage Services Department seem to be catching up a few years ago. In the 2015 Policy Address, the idea of a "water-friendly culture" was first introduced, which included revitalization of water bodies and river channel improvement projects. The Drainage Services Department also issued a Sustainability Report in 2016-17 with Sponge City as a theme, explaining how Hong Kong has started developing water infrastructure such as flood storage ponds, green roofs, permeable pavement etc.
The flood storage system collects underground water and rainwater for recycling. In Hong Kong, this system is highly effective and is being carried out through 3 underground flood storage tanks situated in Tai Hang Tung, Sheung Wan, and Happy Valley. The Happy Valley storage tank, in service since 2017, is being frequently quoted by the authority as a successful story. It collects water from rainstorms and reuse it for irrigating the sport pitches, watering plants and toilet flushing. However, flood storage tanks alone are not enough to solve the problem. Different parts of the city also need to “absorb" to make Hong Kong a true "sponge city."
Despite having an effective flood storage system, Hong Kong needs more work in developing green roofs and permeable pavement. Rooftop garden in public buildings, a policy pushed forward by the government in 2001, is described by the experts as merely a decoration as both thickness and rate of absorption is far from ideal. For permeable pavement, Hong Kong used porous materials as early as 1990s for the purpose of reducing noise. The ‘real’ permeable pavement to improve filtration is not put to use until 2016, in the East Kowloon Anderson Road Quarry (ARQ) Project.
It is a long road to evolve from a well-established and dense city to a Sponge city. Besides having the government to push forward related planning, Hong Kong needs more GUTSMAN to come in solidarity and build a livable and a fully functioned, more livable Sponge City together!
Photo source: Internet, Drainage Services Department
Location: Hong Kong
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