海綿城巿:萬事俱備 只欠協調|Hong Kong as a Sponge: collaboration and synergy are yet to come!

繪圖:Carmen Kwok
地點 : 香港
Hong Kong as a Sponge: collaboration and synergy are yet to come!
As if it is a cruel twist of fate, the once highly praised footpaths with paving stones have now been glued down due to concerns over security breaches. The blocks have been preferred for reduced noise and dust during the paving process, as well as its facilitation of rainwater harvesting to optimise water recycling and enhance flood resilience of the city. Yet, with these paving blocks being sealed up with glue for the past year, their advantages have been lost, even causing a catastrophic “uproot” of pavement in Kwun Tong after a particularly heavy rainstorm.
These benefits of paving blocks have been pointed out by the former Secretary of Works, Lee Shing-see, in 2000, and within the “Sustainable Report 2016-17” of the Drainage Service Department. During the past time, the two authorities proactively pushed out this new porous feature across Hong Kong’s pathways. Every single brick that you lay your feet on, insignificant as it may seem, actually involves a whole lot of government departments when in order to bring it to fruition. Besides the former Department of Works, Drainage Service Department, and the Highways Department, it even involves the Environmental Protection Department and Development Bureau. One might wonder, can effective coordination and collaboration happen within such a massive “team”? Looking at the case of paving stones being sealed up by glue, we at GUTS have observed discrepancies between departments towards their objectives and implementation.
Having said that, when it comes to policy and overall strategy of implementing paving blocks in the city, only a single department, the Drainage Service Department, is responsible. Looking at the “Hong Kong 2030+ Planning Vision and Strategy” report, it indicates the development of the Sponge City concept and sustainable drainage system is being delivered by the Drainage Service Department only. It seems like the huge mission of mitigating the extreme weather conditions bring about by climate change has fallen on the shoulders of one single department.
The concept of a Sponge City, having been popular in the west for more than a decade, is no alien concept to fellow GUTSMANS. It is never a city model that merely focus of flood management and drainage capacity. Rather, it is everything about the absorption and harvest of rainwater. Not only does it imply having permeable pavement, it also means having large scale of green zones where rainwater can be absorbed in every corner of the city. This is a transformational change to a city that needs collaboration and synergies from at least a few significant government departments.
Besides the government authorities, GUTSMANS in Hong Kong can also be proactive in pushing the development of a sustainable stormwater management system. Dr May Chui, associate professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, studied the feasibility in 2014 and suggested that flooding capacity in Hong Kong can be improved remarkably just by increasing spaces provision on sustainable stormwater management on existing facilities by 5-10%. She further advised that pavements with permeable surface and special-designed flower troughs should be developed extensively as they are more efficient than having green roofs.
A little step in city planning can be transformational. As a well-established city, Hong Kong can still be further reshaped and transformed as we push the government to step up its game. The team from the University of Hong Kong is making a smart move, fellow GUTMANS, time to act!
Illustration by: Carmen Kwok
Location: Hong Kong
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