第二回:摩羅街變網絡遊戲 邊玩邊做規劃師|Episode 2 : Cat-streetopia: People-led regeneration

2019年成立的空間活用及改造案例平台「GUTS 吉人吉事」,經過一年的蛻變後再下一城,延伸出「GUTS:CITY 吉城記」以搜羅香港各處具潛質的地方,探索改造空間的可能性並予以實踐。
如果一條街道的佈局、面貌,並不是由官員坐在冷氣房內規劃而成,而是透過一個遊戲、由社區裏的人邊玩邊塑造,那麼往往是沉悶乏味的社區改善過程,可以吸引更多公眾參與嗎?上環的摩羅街,又稱為「貓街(Cat Street)」,曾經每日遊人如鯽,但自疫情爆發以來,依賴外國人的攤檔及店舖生意大不如前,而因為長期與本地人的生活脫節,也沒有讓香港人在無處可去的疫情期間,想起要去一去這條富有本地色彩的摩羅街。
地點 : 摩羅上街,香港
GUTS, emblematic of Generative Utilisation and Transformation of Spaces, was born in 2019 as a platform to seek progress from mere identification of compilation of different instances of GUTS. A year later, we have proudly launched GUTS:CITY to scout potential sites across Hong Kong to explore and implement transformative interventions.
As an affiliation of GUTS, the new initiative envisions a better Hong Kong that evolves from sheer utilitarian structures and underuse of public and private spaces. While our proposals will primarily be set out to be speculative, they are also designed to be compatible with existing contexts with an elevated level of buildability in hopes that this better vision we dream of will meet the one we currently live in.
These GUTS:CITY proposals serve as concluding chapters of the different themes that we have explored at GUTS. These ideas and proposals are by no means the only solutions – they are incubators of even more creative ideas from our fellow GUTS:MAN.
If streetscape were to be shaped through gaming not planning, could we encourage a broader community to improve their neighbourhood together?
Once a thriving antique community, the neighbourhood of Upper Lascar Row, a.k.a. Cat Street, has been struggling to maintain its position – especially during the pandemic - in light of its over-reliance on tourism and detachment from daily life of the locals. And here’s where “Cat-streetopia” cuts in!
An online-to-offline(O2O) placemaking framework, “Cat-streetopia” aims to redefine public space ownership, reinvent the streetscape and re-shape the neighbourhood’s identity by using mixed-reality gaming. Avid players from across the city can have fun as they create unique and flexible street furniture and arrangements to transform Upper Lascar Row’s streetscape. While users indulge themselves in the game, the platform will score all these experimentative entries based on community-specific principles, and the winning one in each cycle will probably come to reality.
By using gaming tactically to blend community principles into design modules, “Cat-streetopia” initiates a digital movement for people-led neighbourhood regeneration. It encourages community engagement from planning to execution of neighbourhood enhancement, ultimately achieving the goals of tactical urbanism.
We conducted interviews and surveys to map the dynamics among stakeholders of Upper Lascar Row and translated our findings into principles that indirectly retell local stories. Then, these principles will be used for evaluating the viability of players’ proposals in meeting these complex needs.
Design Modules
Flexible and highly configurable, these modules in the game can be added on their own, combined with existing structures, or arranged between modules. This allows players with utmost flexibility to create their vision, while new relevance can be built through gaming.
Mixed Reality
Players can go to Upper Lascar Row to virtually “implement” their proposal on site, so that virtual characters of respective local counterparts can interact with the augmented neighbourhood.
The longevity of gameplay is ensured through new patches. They could comprise new modules or event-based themes that prompt different spatial preferences. Continual participation of gamers can help achieve the long-term objective of eventually revitalising the physical streetscape".
“Cat-streetopia” takes advantage of Upper Lascar Row's pedestrian-first nature and turns it into a testing ground for open-source placemaking. It is in its heart a tactical urbanism strategy made digital and thus publicly accessible. If successful, different neighbourhoods or maps in the game can be executed to reshape our urban fabric democratically.
We are calling for collaborators to realise Cat-streetopia together. If you are in, contact us at guts@onebitedesign.com.
Location: Upper Lascar Row, Hong Kong
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