欄道如此?|Railing Talks?

1. 欄杆作為營造社區的元素
2. 欄杆作為私人空間的延伸
3. 欄杆作為有機社交場所
2018年,「拓展公共空間」 舉辦了「街道欄杆裝置設計比賽」,嘗試邀請更多吉人一起發掘欄杆更多的可能性。比賽前,他們曾在尖沙嘴做試驗,在欄杆擺放咕𠱸坐墊,的確有路人會拿來在街道坐下歇息、聊天,而在欄杆掛上的過三關,則很受小朋友歡迎。沒改動現有的欄杆,只加添新元素,就可以營造人們停留、交流的場所。
拓展公共空間研究總監單懷亮William說:「有些餐廳會在門外的欄杆放置坐椅,讓人在店外等位;在彌敦道的一些轉角位置,正是因為有欄杆,才有人靠著欄杆開小檔。我們覺得,欄杆未必是一件很理想的街道元素(street element),但當它融入人的生活,欄杆也可以有更好的用途。」比賽的參加者包括建築系學生、設計師,最後得獎的四件作品,花了三個月製成實物,去年於西營盤山道展出並進行實驗,其中一件作品的創作者為一名小學生。「那是一塊哈哈鏡,很簡單地掛在路邊,好奇的路人看見自己的身型突然變了,覺得有趣,會站在哈哈鏡前擺動身體,讓街道增添有趣的畫面。」
要改變一般巿民對欄杆的既有想法,也許並不是想像中困難。但不少人都不想安於舊式的欄杆思想,就讓我們始於足下,先從小吉事小改變開始,逐點把新想法帶到大家眼前 ﹗
吉人認為欄杆的討論可從三個方面入手 - 功能、外形、地點。以下這十個吉想,你曾想像過多少個?
吉想#1 食得 Edible Barrier
有些地點,樹木也可以發揮欄杆的功能,若樹木結出果實,甚至可成為「食得」的欄杆﹗「食用花園Edible Garden」的研究反映,食得的欄杆除可增加城市內的種植,它可以提升行人和社區的互動和傾談。
吉想#2 睇得 Lighting & Wayfinding
吉想#3 行得Posts with Art
吉想#4 聽得 Sound Assistance
吉想#5 睇得用得 Art & Bike Lock
吉想#6 行得坐得 Post & Seating
吉想#7挨得玩得 Backing & Games
欄杆若可增加行街樂趣,減少行人煩躁心情,豈不是很好? 一個簡單遊戲已可讓人心曠神怡?
吉想#8 揀得試得 Removable & Trial
吉想#9 漲得縮得 Inflatable
吉想#10變得攔得 Fabric & Shading
繪圖:Sherene Ng
地點 : 香港
Pedestrian railings may not be the most favorable element for walkability’s sake, yet it is impossible for streets to completely get rid of them. With a creative GUTS mind, here are some ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas to transform this street necessity into a fun and indispensable part of the cityscape. Read on!
1. A Placemaking Tool
In Sai Ying Pun, you can find a series of rainbow-colored railings which also serves as a community garden in Sheung Fung Lane. A community group voluntarily decorated the space and grow plants with recycled bottles, giving a new life to the previously humble little street.
2. An Extension of Private Space
Pedestrian railings can be easily intertwined with people’s day-to-day lives as they begin attaching their personal belongings such as bikes and trolleys onto it.
3. As an Organic Social Space
With some small touches of genius, railings can be spiced up and become a tool to facilitate social interactions and encourage pedestrians to mingle on the streets. William Sin, Research Director of the Hong Kong Public Space Initiative, said, ‘We may think that railing is not a perfect street element, but if we could better incorporate it with people’s daily life, it can be another story.’ On Hill Road, a primary school student once put a funhouse mirror on the railings as an entry for the ‘Street Railing Add-on Competition’. This simple act has a magical uplifting effect for the street scene. By reflecting the whimsical and distorted images of the pedestrians, this small intervention has successfully put smile onto the faces of many passersby.
‘Humans are inherently afraid of changes, it is why we choose to settle,” reminded a friend of GUTS.
Having said that, we at GUTS believe that removing people’s negative preconceptions on railings might not be as challenging as it seems, perhaps we could spark new discussions on railing through the following directions: function, appearance, and location.
GUTS thought #1 Edible Barrier
Who said railing can only be man-made? Trees can be the natural and edible railing as they bear fruits! Research from ‘Edible Garden’ shows that edible railings not only can green the city, but also encourage interactions between pedestrians!
GUTS thought #2 Lighting & Wayfinding
Hong Kong is a busy city with vibrant street life even after dark. As some of the streets are lacking adequate lighting, how about incorporating lights with railings to further brighten up the city?
GUTS thought #3 Colonnade of Art
As railing currently cannot function properly as crash cushion as it is, why not take the fences away and transform the vertical posts into a colonnade of art installations?
GUTS thought #4 Sound Aid
Besides providing audio traffic signal at the existing zebra crossing, how about enhancing pedestrian facilities for the disabled through railings near street junctions and corners?
GUTS thought #5 Art & Bike Lock
Railing as an arty, stylish temporary parking rack for bicycles and trolleys. How does that sound?
GUTS thought #6 Post & Seating
Who is there to support us as we drag ourselves up the mountainous slope in the summer? What if benches or chairs can be folded out and added onto existing railings?
GUTS thought #7 Backing & Games
Having a bad day? If railing is designed with some simple games incorporated, perhaps it can be something that lifts you up?
GUTS thought #8 Removable & Trial
While it is not possible to dismantle all the railings in the city, can we perhaps introduce removable railings at different locations to test its effectiveness with the ambition to one day removing them permanently?
GUTS thought #9 Inflatable
Sidewalks are mostly crowded only during peak hours. Perhaps inflatable, reactive railings that appear only at certain times can be the perfect solution?
GUTS thought #10 Fabric & Shading
Sun is probably the biggest deterrent to lady shoppers to spend time on the streets in the summer. If railings can be transformed into shading devices decorated with fancy fabric, would that encourage you to stay outdoor for longer?
Illustration by: Sherene Ng
Location: Hong Kong
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