路磚雖小,足以影響整個城巿|Small Bricks Big Impact: a closer look at Hong Kong’s pavement

以路磚鋪建的行人路,結構分為四層:最底層為泥土,上面為碎石路基層(granular sub-base),再上層是細沙墊層(sand bedding),最上層為路磚。路磚之間的接縫,則以細沙填入。
相片來源:網上圖片、 香港01 、立場新聞
Small Bricks Big Impact: a closer look at Hong Kong’s pavement
When the rainy season came in June, Hong Kong experienced the city’s first black rainstorm warning in three years. After the massive rain and flooding in some areas, large areas of paving bricks in Kwun Tong that were glued together in the cracks by the government was “uprooted”, causing some discussion among people: does sealing the gaps between the paving bricks hinder permeability and road drainage? The Highways Department clarified that rainwater is mainly drained through drains, the surface paving material does not affect drainage capacity. However, some engineers pointed out that when water pressure is greater than the weight of the bricks, and when the cracks in the bricks are being sealed, it might cause an entire area of bricks to be “uprooted”. This seemingly small and frivolous street element actually matters a lot to a city’s ecology and water drainage system. Before we discuss, let’s go back to basics and understand a bit more about the pavements of Hong Kong’s streets:
Shifting from concrete to brick pavers
From the official document of the Highway Department, 90% of sidewalks in Hong Kong was paved with concrete in the early 80s. The authority started experimenting with the use of brick paving units as the alternative for reducing noise and construction waste, since trench works for the installation and maintenance of utility services on the street were frequent.
Paving units are more expensive
According to the figures from the Works Bureau (incorporated into Development Bureau in 2007) in year 2000, the average cost of paving a sidewalk with brick paving units was $97 per square metre, while paving with concrete only costed $58 per square metre. However, brick paving units has a lower maintenance cost as they can be reused and reinstated after roadworks.
Not suitable for Industrial areas
Due to frequent parking and heavy loading from trucks, brick pavers are not suitable for roads in industrial areas. Brick pavers are more commonly used in sidewalks in tourist areas, commercial areas and pedestrian zones.
Depending on the use of materials, environment, and pedestrian traffic, the brick pavers can last for approximately 10 years after being put to use on the ground.
Pavement structure
The structure of a footpath with brick paving units generally consists of 4 layers. The bedding is made up of soil, follow by a sub-base of granular, then a layer of sand bedding. Lastly, the paving units are laid on the top. To stabilize the units, fine sand is filled into the space between pavers.
Permeable paving materials
From 1970 onwards, the US and Germany started experimenting with permeable concrete as paving. By mixing coarse aggregate, cement, and cementing agent, a network of honeycomb structure can be formed which allows rainwater to penetrate. Apart from permeable concrete, brick paving is also a kind of permeable paving material, water can permeate through the cracks between pavers, but whether it can drain effectively depends on the foundation and bedding beneath the pavers.
When the Highways Department replaced previous concrete road with brick paving, sustainability was one of its most cited reasons. Brick pavers can be reused many times after digging roads. The brick pavers can also be made from recycled glass to reduce waste. One the other hand, more and more countries are switching to permeable concrete for paving. Not only does it help with drainage, rainwater can be filtered during the process, reducing pollutants in the water run-off that goes into our seas and rivers, and at the same time replenish ground water, regulate ground temperature, and protect the ecology of the entire city.
Photo source: Internet, HK01, Stand News
Location: Hong Kong
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