公共建築系列:監獄設計|Public architecture series: prison design

1859年的英文報章《孖喇西報》(Hong Kong Daily Press),曾經記錄了當年的鞭刑,形容群眾聚集在空地觀看犯人被鞭打至皮開肉綻,除了具有觀賞性、有助公眾確立優劣之別,報章同時還建議把執行的地點移師至法院外,方便達官貴人履行他們作為觀看者的責任。1866年上任的第六任港督麥當奴,曾鼓勵警察公開鞭打華人作為管治社會的方法,那時候,警察幾乎每天在皇后大道當眾鞭打華人,至1871年,政府甚至規定逢星期三為「鞭笞日」。
Through vivid first-hand accounts, a 1859 newspaper report in Hong Kong Daily Press provided a glimpse of what had been a monthly spectacle and a source of macabre entertainment for colonisers, taipans, and common masses alike in the 19th century.
“To witness a string of wretches writing and howling under the awful torture of the lash, and to count the thuds that are resounding off bare flesh of a fellow being, is not one would think, a very aesthetic enjoyment, but the crowd taking up the space in front of the post of dishonour would seem to indicate the contrary. Indeed, if we were not of opinion that the laudable object of public flogging is intended by its very repulsiveness to strike terror into the hearts of other malefactors, we should advocate a removal of the post to somewhere opposite the Supreme Court, to make it more convenient for the gentry who go so much of their way at present to ‘assist’ at this salutary and necessary public duty.”
Flogging was the most common form of punishment for locals running afoul of the law. Those too poor to pay fines, were instead generously beaten. Other unorthodox punishments in the colony’s early establishment included cutting off the offenders’ plaited queues and parading them across the Chinese settlement shackled in bulky stocks with the offenders’ name and nature of his crime prominently stated. Public punishment was then preferred to lengthy imprisonment as popular consensus deemed shame to be an effective crime deterrent, both for crowds witnessing the spectacle and those suffering from the pain inflicted.
Imprisonment only became the default punishment after 1876, following the revised Regulations for the Gaol which gradually phased out public punishment and forced deportation for severe crimes. Instead, prison sentences and corresponding forms of hard labour were meted out. These changes in Hong Kong were motivated by Christian religiosity in Victorian Britain which favoured incarceration as effective methods for prisoners to repent for their offences and deter them from committing them again. The type of work ranged from oakum picking (pulling rope thread apart to use as caulk to seal joints on ships), breaking stone, and using the crushed aggregate to build new roads.
With more prisoners incarcerated but only a small group of European wardens and Indian guards available to operate the gaol and maintain its security, Victoria Gaol was redesigned in 1858 with a radial plan to provide greater surveillance and to isolate the prisoners visually from each other, such that the prison could be run more efficiently with less guards. The design originated from the Eastern State Penitentiary (built in 1829) in Philadelphia, USA and was subsequently adapted by British architect, William Crawford, for Pentonville (1842) and Wandsworth (1851) Prisons in London. Hong Kong’s Victoria Goal in the late 1800s likewise spotted a spoke-like structure with a central tower radiating out to five cell blocks that allowed guards in the central hall to maintain visual contact with those patrolling the cell blocks and raise alarm if any disturbances occurred in open yards in between the blocks.
As the daily average number of prisoners in Victoria Gaol progressively increased from 486 in 1890 to 1,175 in 1930, it was clear that a modern prison complex was needed to cope with new challenges in policing and rehabilitation. When opened in 1937, Stanley Prison was described as the “finest prison in the colonial empire”. Comprising six cell blocks set in a one square mile site behind 18-feet thick compound walls, the prison complex was designed to support 1,500 prisoners with hygienic and secure accommodations. However, that ideal was cast aside quickly as overcrowding became severe with increasing numbers of Chinese immigrants entering Hong Kong illegally to escape civil war and the Japanese invasion.
The next major shift in prison governance happened only in 1981, about a hundred years after flogging, parading offenders in stocks, cutting off their queues, and other forms of spectacle punishment were abolished. Public sentiments towards punishment had shifted from inflicting pain and shame on offenders, to isolating them from the wider society, and finally towards recognising the prison as an institution for rehabilitation, rather than punishment. This is reflected in the renaming of the Prisons Department as the Correctional Services Department and the adoption of the motto “We Care” to embody a more humane approach to integrate prisoners back into society. Prisons were categorised by different security levels, while detention centres, schools and training centres, drug addiction treatment centres, and halfway houses provided differentiated treatment for prisoners.
These new building types represent not only the evolving practice of crime and punishment in Hong Kong, but also how architecture plays an essential role in humanising this change process. This month’s GUTS will continue to explore local and overseas examples of contemporary prisons to shed light on prisons as a marginalised, but definitely not a marginal part of our built environment.
Photo source: Internet
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