毋懼暴雨 把城巿變成吸水海綿|Sponge City: Resilient to rain and storm

相片來源:網上圖片、 De Urbanisten、RDC、Urban Green-Blue Grids
Sponge City: Resilient to rain and storm
Climate change is real and along with it comes extreme weather conditions. While rainwater nourishes the soil in nature, heavy rainstorm brings about damages and disasters to our man-made surroundings. This calls for forward-thinking and resilient GUTSMANS around the world to come up with a new concept of urban design, turning cities into ‘giant sponges’ by utilizing new rainwater management systems to harvest, clean and reuse rainwater ecologically.
A sponge city is a contrast to conventional urban city with its roads covered with impenetrable concrete. Impermeable city does not allow any water to filter through the ground, instead relies on underground water pipes to discharge rainwater. This kind of city is under the threat of catastrophic flooding in case of sudden, extreme weather. Other major problems that come with impermeable cities include water pollution, groundwater runoff, etc.
As the name suggested, sponge city is designed to soak up as much extra water as possible, with a combination of utilities such as storage tunnels, permeable pavements, rain gardens, etc. In Netherlands, the city of Rotterdam is one of the earliest sponge cities in the world. The most striking idea is the design of a ‘water plaza’ in the city centre, which is deliberately sunken to allow rainwater to flood in at times of heavy rain. The ‘water plaza’ is functioned as a public square during dry seasons, but on particularly rainy days, overflown rainwater from surrounding streets will be directed into the square. On top of introducing a water plaza, Rotterdam also encouraged its citizens to build rooftop gardens to help absorbing water during heavy rain.
Another important feature of a sponge city is permeable pavement that helps to drain water to the soil underneath. The permeable feature allows the roads to serve another layer of function on top of being just a pathway for traffic, it can also help to absorb and filter the rainwater. In 2017, the city of San Francisco has replaced the surface of 8 roads with permeable materials. During its opening ceremony, the public gets to witness together how powerful the new pavement can be as it took no time to absorb the water discharged onto the surface by a sprinkler truck.
Situated within the sub-tropical zone as one of the cities with the highest rainfall in the Asia Pacific region, Hong Kong has to be adaptive and forward-thinking when it comes to issues surrounding climate changes. It is time for Hong Kong to learn to humbly work with the nature, not against it.
Photo source: Internet, De Urbanisten, RDC, Urban Green-Blue Grids
Location: Rotterdam, San Francisco, Hong Kong
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