歐洲吉事:百花齊放的巴士站設計|GUTS IN EUROPE: Dazzling bus stops from across the world

香港道路擠塞,早已成了常態,根據運輸署資料,私家車登記總數在過去短短10年,由2011年的41萬架大幅增長近6成至今年的65萬架,網上最近更出現不少「塞車災民」社交群組互吐苦水。事實上,21世紀全球城市正朝向複合交通模式服務(multimodal services)發展,以步行配搭其他大眾公共運輸工具可謂大勢所趨,因此改善乘坐公共交通的體驗,是未來城市發展的重要一環。
把巴士站變成觀景點的想法,還有挪威的RintalaEggertsson 建築事務所設計的巴士站,以木質磚塊搭成、外形就似一個網球場的看台,充滿玩味。而中國建築師則設計了一個仿如單反摺疊相機的巴士站。兩邊對稱又一層層傾斜的屋檐,中間構造了鏡頭一樣的空間,把視線引領向遠處的風景。人在其中看風景,也成為一道風景。
地點 : 奧地利、挪威、日本、洛杉機、巴塞隆那
Traffic jams have always been an everyday norm on Hong Kong’s roads. However, as revealed by the Transport Department, private cars rose by 60% in a decade, rising from 410,000 in 2011 to 650,000 this year. Such jam-packed roads resulted in the ire much vented in ‘traffic jam victim’ groups on social media.
As the 21st-century cities evolve towards multi-modal services, walking and other public transport modes combined are taking the lead, making it essential for future cities to improve public transport experience.
Waiting for the bus on the narrow streets of Hong Kong is enough to exhaust a passenger even before he or she successfully gets on the bus. Bus stops are an integral part of urban public infrastructure, but where should a reform begin? Here are some bus stops in Europe that delight awaiting passengers and mirror a city’s openness in design.
Home to slightly over 1,000 residents, Austrian market town Krumbach invited seven architects from Chile, Russia, China, Norway and Spain, to design a series of iconic bus stops, which were to be crafted by local artisans. The organising cultural council jumped out of the box and bartered a local vacation for the designs. Though without the lustre of monetary reward, the offer still attracted proposals from all around the world in just four weeks.
A Japanese designer proposed a bus top that also stood as a landmark, comprising thin and winding white metal rods that entwined into a ‘white forest’. Amid the forest was a stairway that promised a panoramic view of the city. Also turning a bus stop into a sightseeing spot was the wooden, tennis spectator deck-resembling design envisioned by Norway’s RintalaEggertsson. The Chinese architect’s proposal resembled a folding camera, with both sides covered by layers of inclined eaves and a lens-like centrepiece focusing on distant views.
Such an observation deck may not work in the skyscraper city of Hong Kong. But can we transform a bus stop into a living room? A Chilean architect designed a glasshouse filled with several wooden chairs and a wooden birdhouse at the top.
There are also many exciting bus stops around the globe. For example, a bus stop in Shizuoka-ken, Japan, is topped with an umbrella that reminds one of the picturesque bus stops in Tonari no Totoro. Also resembling an umbrella, the design in Santa Monica features expandable shade canopies inspired by the local beaches. The Barcelona bus stop comprises a wooden window frame and metal rods for a compact and bright shelter – a design that may work in Hong Kong.
Practicality has always been central to the design of Hong Kong bus stops. Significant changes ever made over the years are mainly in the covering materials. In recent years, bus stops have become more thoughtful, with seats and bus arrival display boards installed. Does this ‘detour’ around bus stops around the world inspire your imagination about the lacklustre infrastructure?
Photo source: Internet
Location: Austria, Norway, Japan, Los Angeles, Barcelona
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