填海造就香港,抑或破壞香港?|Is Reclamation the good, the bad, or the ugly for Hong Kong?

地點 : 香港
Is Reclamation good or bad and ugly for Hong Kong?
People in Hong Kong are no strangers to the term ‘reclamation’. Ever since the first British troop set foot on the land of the ‘fragrant harbour’ almost 180 years ago, land-filling has been the primary means of cultivating new land for urban development. In the early days, reclamation indeed created a new ground for the economy of this hilly city to thrive on. But as technology and general education levels accelerate, this historical approach has become more of a controversy. Is reclamation the only way for urban development, while our ocean may be used in other ways as a valuable resource of the city?
Over 7,000 Hectares of New Land
As of 2019, reclamation has given Hong Kong over 7,000 hectares of new lands, which occupies 6% of Hong Kong. An ocean apart, Macau has gained 65% of its land, i.e. 2,000 hectares, by reclamation; while Shenzhen obtained about 10,000 hectares, which occupies 5% of its land; and the 1,000-hectare reclamation site represents about 1% of the total size of Osaka Bay in Japan.
180 Years of Making
The gigantic plan of reclamation began when the Brits occupied Hong Kong in 1842. The first large-scale project in history took place along the praya of Bonham Strand after a severe fire trampled the area now known as Jervois Street in Sheung Wan. The colonial government filled the site from the intersection between Jervois Street and Wellington Street to Morrison Street with fire debris and hillside stones, creating a new praya area near Bonham Strand. This project marked the beginning of ever-expanding reclamation schemes, including the new airport and the 10 Major Infrastructure Projects in the 1990s.
New Towns Born
To this date, about 2.8 million people in Hong Kong, over 30% of the population, are residents of new towns built by reclamation projects between the 1970s and 1990s, including Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun, Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O and Tung Chung.
Environmental Exploitation
Reclamation is one of the major culprits of marine pollution. Not only does it destroy marine habitats, but it also damages ocean currents and water quality. For example, artificial islands lack natural trees and soil to filter man-made pollutants before they are released into the sea, the surrounding water quality and marine lives will inevitably pay the price. According to environmental impact assessment reports, over 10 construction vessels were stationed at peak times during the construction of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, 150 for the Three-Runway System. Such digits reveal the brutal disturbance reclamation causes to the ocean.
Global Sand Shortage
What’s more, the primary construction material – sand – causes damaging effects on its place of origin. Hong Kong heavily relies on imports of river and marine sands as infrastructure building materials. In 2014, we imported up to 2.855 million tonnes of natural sands from Mainland China. The adverse environmental impacts of sand mining have caused the shrinkage of marine sand supplies from Southeast Asia. One after another, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Mainland China halted marine sand exports. Cambodian officials stated the country’s decision to ban marine sand exports permanently was because of the long-term environmental damages caused as sand and gravels were excavated from riverbeds. Mainland China did not resume its marine sand supply to Hong Kong until the reclamation project of the third airport runway last year, hence the soaring construction cost.
Photo source: Internet
Location: Hong Kong
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