步行城市的孩子,更易走到上流|Kids raised in walkable cities could be more successful

近年,不少研究已跳出公共健康的框架,證明提高城市的可步行性,能有助一個城巿的經濟效益。美國都巿規劃師 Jeff Speck 在 2018 年出版的《Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places》,提到相比起乘交通工具或駕車,步行所花費城巿的資源是最少:巿民每次駕車,城巿將耗費9.2美元在維持道路秩序和救護服務之上;若選擇乘搭巴士,城巿的成本為 1.5 美元;步行的話,成本則只是 0.1 美元。這是否說明窮人才會選擇行路?錯了。芝加哥大都會規劃局的統計顯示,美國原來有 63% 的Y世代 (1981至1996年出生) 和42%的「戰後嬰兒」(指1946至1964年出生的人,即現今56至74歲),希望住在毋須私家車代步的地方。
香港是全球最適宜步行的城巿之一,擁有連接住宅、商場、娛樂設施等複雜的行人天橋網絡。早在 2001年,規劃署已就行人環境規劃展開研究,但發展一直停留在銅鑼灣行人專用區。要推動發展步行城巿,為下一代營造更有活力的公共空間,你有更 GUTS 的想法嗎?
GUTS Dictionary: 與「可步行性」相關的概念
Walkability 可步行性
九十年代,美國的交通研究報告提出「Walkability 可步行性」的概念;其後,這個概念應用延伸至可持續發展的城巿規劃。2005年,柏克萊加州大學分校榮譽教授 Michael Southworth 在《城巿規劃及發展雜誌》中,認為「可步行性」是指:「易行度是在建築環境設計的範疇內,透過提供舒適及安全的步行環境,讓行人在合理的時間和方法到達不同的目的地,並在行人網絡中提供有趣的街景鼓勵步行。」
Accessibility 可及性
「Accessibility可及性」是「可步行性」概念中的其中一個元素。2019年,哥本哈根著名建築師David Sim寫道:「一個地區的『可及性』愈高,人愈容易從不同建築物和地點之間,花最小的功夫穿梭往來。
GUTSMAN, here comes a new hook in promoting walkability in your city! Instead of emphasizing that a walkable neighborhood promotes public health with less cars and cleaner air, a new study shows that it may be related to increased levels of future economic income! Researchers found that children who were raised in walkable cities isn’t just healthier – they are having higher levels of upward economic mobility.
In recent years, experts are going beyond public health when exploring the benefits of a city’s walkability. American city planner Jeff Speck started to discuss the economic benefits in his book ‘Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places’ in 2018. According to Speck, cities with better walkability not only have higher property value, it also enables the city to put resources into a better use. He further elaborated that a driving resident would cost the city $9.2 in policing and ambulances, while the cost was only $1.5 if the he took a bus. What if a resident chose to walk? It only costed the city $0.1!
A new study published in American Psychologists in October 2019, further indicated that children who lived in walkable cities would have higher levels of upward economic mobility. The team of psychologists at Columbia University, the University of Virginia, and the University of Illinois, did further analysis and found that families living in walkable neighborhoods save a lot of expenses from transportation and cars. They even developed closer proximity to a wider range of jobs and economic opportunities. Also, people living in walkable cities are generally healthier, and thus having higher levels of happiness and well-being, which facilitate them to achieve better academic results and find better jobs.
Hong Kong’s walkability is reflected in various pedestrian networks that linked up residential areas, shopping malls and leisure facilities. The Planning Department has been studying “Planning for Pedestrian Environments” as early as 2001 to improve walkability, yet the development for pedestrian zones has been limited to Wanchai and Causeway Bay. To further improve Hong Kong’s walkability and enjoy all the associated economic and health benefits, do you have more GUTS ideas?
GUTS Dictionary: Walkability and related concepts
As an important concept in sustainable urban design, the term ‘Walkability’ was first introduced by an American transport research back in the 90s. In 2005, Michael Southworth, a professor of urban design and planning in University of Berkeley, further defined Walkability as ‘the extent to which the built environment supports and encourages walking by providing for pedestrian comfort and safety, connecting people with varied destinations within a reasonable amount of time and effort, and offering visual interest in journeys throughout the network.’
In other words, walkability is whether a city could offer a pleasant walking experience to people, and the factors influencing it include quality of footpaths, road safety, accessibility to buildings, and how comfortable and interesting it is for people to walk through. Numerous researches have proved that walkable cities generally have a better environment and healthier citizens. On the other hand, walkable neighborhoods encourage vibrant street activities, social interactions and help foster a sense of community in the city.
Accessibility is one of the key elements in Walkability. David Sim, a renowned architect in Copenhagen, stated in 2019 that a city with higher accessibility allows people to spend less effort traveling between destinations.
Photos source: Internet
Location: Columbia, USA
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