掃走垃圾 「吉」出更多海洋空間|Fighting oceans pollution for new placemaking opportunities

1997年,美國海洋學家Charles Moore從夏威夷乘船到加州長灘時,發現太平洋環流中有一片巨大的垃圾堆在海中心漂流,面積近160萬平方公里,相等於1,446個香港。因為塑膠垃圾無法分解,這些垃圾聚積於海洋環流中,形成垃圾帶。最可怕的是,地球上不止一個大型海洋環流,如此驚人的垃圾帶,恐怕也出現在北大西洋與南大西洋環流、印度洋環流等。
繪圖: Garrick Chan
Fighting oceans pollution for new placemaking opportunities
For a densely populated small city like Hong Kong, land scarcity is arguably a never-ending challenge. While the issue seems burning and unsolvable, a paradigm shift of exploring solutions from the sea resources could be a way to go. Hong Kong’s sea area is indeed larger than its land. If we try putting on a more imaginative lens to challenge the status quo of reclamation, the sea area might be able to help releasing the pressure of land shortage in a whole new way. As fellow GUTMANS is ready to dive into this untouched realm of placemaking, there comes the immediate challenge – marine debris.
How big is the Hong Kong sea?
As big as twice of the size of Singapore, Hong Kong’s sea area is about 1650 square kilometres, slightly larger than its land by 546 square kilometres. With a lengthy costal line of 1189 km, equivalent to the distance between Hong Kong to Manila, marine debris from land-based source is one of the major causes of ocean pollution.
The dirty facts of marine pollution
According to official figures in 2014, Hong Kong has cleared up around 15,200 tonnes of litter from the sea by the 4 related government departments. To put it in concrete terms, such amount of trash could fill up 580 40-feet containers.
80% marine trash originated from the city
Hong Kong’s marine debris are mostly oil spill, floating and seabed waste. The most common floating trash include natural materials such as tree branches and seaweed, and man-made materials such as beverage bottles and foam boxes. A research from the Environmental Protection Department in 2013 indicated that 95% of marine floating garbage were generated locally, while 80% originated from human activities on the land, such as plastic bottle and food packaging.
More marine trash found in Summer
Hong Kong has a sub-tropical climate where summer is rainy and with occasional typhoons. The weather and the frequent outdoor water activities combine to pose extensive negative impact to marine pollution by flooding more garbage to the sea during summertime. Research from Environmental Protection Department indicated that more marine trash could be found after festivals.
Floating garbage’s whereabouts
Hong Kong sea area around outlying island, east and west of the harbour, southern Hong Kong and West Kowloon are heavily polluted by floating garbage.
Pollution from household: single-used plastic, domestic sewage
Besides industry and fishery waste, domestic waste from the city also heavily impact marine pollution, for instance, the extensive use of single-used cutlery could end up being plastic waste in the ocean. A recent research from the College of Charleston in the US reveals that one of the main sources of plastic waste from household comes from washing machines, as laundering gradually breaks down synthetic fabric and eventually polluting the ocean.
How city waste enters the sea
In times of heavy rain, the drainage system of a city indirectly sends tonnes of garbage together with the rainwater to the sea. On the other hand, river is another major pathway of ocean plastic waste. The Environmental Protection Department observed that more rubbish travelled to Pui O Beach and Hung Shing Yeh Bay where rivers and streams flow through after heavy rain.
In addition, large-scale industrial activities such as fishery, infrastructure construction dispose broken fishing ropes, buoys, fishing nets to the and dredged mud poses imminent threat to ocean pollution especially when the sediment is not treated properly.
Ocean waste in global perspective
In 1997, marine researcher Charles Moore discovered an enormous stretch of floating plastic debris which was subsequently named as the “Great Pacific garbage patch”. Located between Hawaii and California, the garbage patch covers an estimated surface area of 1.6 million square kilometers, an area equivalent to 1446 times of Hong Kong. As conventional plastic is not biodegradable, it eventually breaks into smaller pieces where currents converge them into “garbage patch” through ocean gyre. Worse still, there are 5 gyres in the world oceans, circling patches of marine trash at the North and the South Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. They will definitely become bigger and bigger if we do not stop feeding them with plastic waste day by day.
Illustrator: Garrick Chan
Photo source: Internet
Location: Hong Kong
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