丹麥吉事:大海充斥垃圾 小島發展零廢社會|Denmark – small island stirred by ocean plastic to go trash-free

相片來源:網上圖片, Green kayak
Denmark – small island stirred by ocean plastic to go trash-free
Through the last decade, Hong Kong seems eager to build into the sea – see the new airport runway, cross-border bridge and Lantau’s development plans. While issues such as marine pollution and ecology attract great public attention, ‘ocean space’ remains a non-issue in Hong Kong. About 20 countries including Australia and the Philippines already embarked on ocean space planning in exclusive economic zones back in 2012 as a measure to protect marine ecology and to resolve disputes among marine users, governments and the general public.
As urban development accelerates, the ocean has become a valuable spatial resource. The problem of marine waste, however, sticks in the way of ocean space planning. What can Hong Kong learn from other coastal cities?
The direct approach is, of course, to clean up the sea. Besides government efforts, civil society has also proved its mettle. But let’s face it: facing floating garbage patches contributed by every single soul on earth, even the largest environmental group could seem too frail to quell. To get more people to join the force, Danish non-profit organisation GreenKayak offers free trips in return for collecting trash as they paddle. The mission of the project is to clean up rivers and lakes across entire Europe, so trash does not get into the ocean. Between 2017 and mid-2010, the project cleared over 10 tons of trash.
Clean-ups, however, are anything but a permanent cure. So, the municipal council of Bornholm set an ambitious goal in 2018: to make the eastern Danish island trash-free by 2032.
Just half the size of Hong Kong and with a population of about 40,000, Bornholm manages to recycle 39% of its household waste by charging every household an annual waste disposal tax equivalent to HKD3,500. The interesting part of the story is – environmental groups or NGOs do not steer this trash-free movement; it’s the local waste management company that takes the lead. Because it is difficult to build a new incineration plant, the company decided to unite the locals in this journey towards trash-free.
In Bornholm, all trash on the island must be recycled into useful resources. Besides typical recyclables such as metals, plastics and papers, organic waste will be turned into fertilisers. The authority also extends the scope of recyclables to cover other insulating materials, such as fishnets. As the whole recycling industry expands, everyone in society also takes up a role in developing a circular economy - used furniture and clothing will be circulated within the community.
As individuals uproot old habits and lifestyles, factories are also obliged to phase out unsustainable raw materials and production processes so that the manufacturing processes only result in recyclable wastes.
When there’s man, there is trash. Reaching trash-free may seem impossible, but small steps forward are better than inaction and enduring the eyesore of plastic oceans. “No matter what, compared with today’s situation, there will be some improvements by then.”
Looking back at sea in Hong Kong, are we determined enough to make it a better space?
Photo source: Internet, Green Kayak
Location: Denmark
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