LOLALIK: 監倉變社區中心|A prison is a community centre

閒置監倉 變成難民的第二個家
可是,因監獄關閉而導致失業率大幅上升的問題仍未解決,所以荷蘭政府與不少機構也積極尋求轉型方案。鑑於當時荷蘭正面對難民潮的問題,政府在2016年將一個位於阿姆斯特丹的監獄(Bijlmerbajes prison),轉交給善於活化閒置空間的非牟利組織「LOLA」營運,並與鄰近的難民庇護中心合作,把監獄活化成社區中心,為難民提供技能培訓課程,協助他們融入社區。
A Prison is a Living Creative Hub For Refugees and Locals
Tai Kwun has won the Award of Excellence of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation this year. This is another project receiving this top honour after the Blue House Cluster. Spanning over ten years, Tai Kwun has revitalised the former Central Police Station Compound, including Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and the Victoria Prison into a unique cultural destination. UNESCO has highlighted the excellence of Tai Kwun in keeping the authenticity and organising remarkable events to reconnect with locals.
LOLALIK in Netherland, with a similar context, has transformed the former abandoned prison into a community space for refugees, helping them to blend in with society.
In the past decades, the crime rate and number of prisoners continued to fall in Netherland. Since 2014, there were over 19 prisons closed down in Amsterdam alone. In response to this, the government tried to reduce the unemployment rate of prison-related job by signing an agreement with Norway government to transfer a thousand Norway prisoners to Netherland. However, the rapid increase in the unemployment rate was still pressing.
The government had to turn to NGOs for alternative solutions. It was 2016 when Netherland was also facing the refugee crisis, the former Bijlmerbajes prison in Amsterdam was turned into a temporary refugee living facility called LOLALIK. It is located and linked next to a refugee centre. It provides a platform for skill-training, network-building and job opportunities, to encourage the refugees making this place their new homes. LOLALIK aims to transform both in-and-outside of the building by repainting most of the walls. Most of the space is open to the public, where locals and refugees are welcome to enjoy and recreate community bonding.
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