新加坡 PARK(ing) Day 2019

上星期六,我們飛到新加坡參加一年一度的 parkingdaysg 活動,主辦單位將 Liang Seah Street 及 Tan Quee Lan Street 兩旁的車位,變成一個遊樂場,不少街坊一家大細到來,玩得好開心!
當日有約30間學校和設計團隊參與,不少攤檔的創作理念是由紓緩當地社會和環保議題出發。 有一個攤檔名為 “Emotion to action”,檔主眼見新加坡人生活壓力大,於是於攤檔擺放不少汽水罐,讓人盡情壓扁汽水罐,發洩壓力。
另有檔主設置一幅繩索牆,牆上佈滿釘子,街坊可以用繩,於牆上勾掛出當日心情,攤檔叫 “Community art work”。檔主表示,透過繩索勾出心情,可反映出一個人的性格,例如有人喜歡勾出圖案,有人會隨心擺出不規則形狀,亦有人會將自己的作品重疊於別人的作品上;各式各樣的作品,亦是情緒表達的一種方法。
緊接 “Community art work” , 走到環保攤檔。有檔主教人「摺風車」,希望透過摺風車,讓人想到使用可再生能源;亦有一個垃圾回收站,當中的回收機可以把膠樽或汽水罐回收並攪碎,重新造出一支小花🌹,名符其實的升級再造!
每個設計團隊都創意無限,如果將 PARK(ing) Day 搬來香港,你又會如何呈現城市空間和可能性?
GUTS team is back from Singapore!
The annual parkingdaysg event last Saturday had turned the parking lots on Liang Seah Street and Tan Quee Lan Street into a one-day creative social gathering space. Many locals and families came for fun despite the super sunny weather and the distraction from Formula One.
The 30 school groups and design organizations participated this year have brought over wild and creative proposals for their parking lots. Our favourites included the mini playground for kids, 🤹 the windmill pod powered by cycling,🚴 the wall of emotions, 🎤and the recycling station transforming plastic bottles and cans into blossoming flowers. 🌹If PARK(ing) Day could come to Hong Kong, how would you re-imagine our parking lots?
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