AKRON: 公路+長餐枱

500呎長餐枱 在公路上午餐
在美國俄亥俄州的 Akron 市,有一條行車線 Akron Innterbelt 由於使用率偏低,於 2016 年正式關閉。在正式關閉公路前,三藩市藝術家 Hunter Franks 忽發其想,以其組織 The League of Creative Interventionists 名義,舉辦 500Plates 活動,在公路上設置全長 500呎(約150米)的餐枱,邀請附近22個住宅區的街坊一起在公路午餐。
調查中發現,大部分居民均希望公路變成 Akron 的公共空間,並希望以森林、自然為主題,讓空間貼近自然環境。主辦機構綜合意見後,在 2018 年舉辦為期兩個月的「Innerbelt National Forest」活動,設置吊床、桌椅等休閒空間,並邀請附近居民參與,例如在美國非常熱門的「山羊瑜伽」及迷你演唱會等,為這個社區交流平台作營運試驗。兩個月的活動相當成功,後來主辦機構更向地區政府提交報告,並尋找基金會資助計劃,讓計劃得以延續,並期望延續「Innerbelt National Forest」的理念,將這條公路申請成為永久的社區用地。
A Freeway is a 500-Foot Long Table
In 2016, an Innerbelt Freeway in Akron, Ohio USA was permanently closed due to the low utilisation rate. The League of Creative Interventionists, founded by San Francisco-based artist Hunter Franks, had brought up a new idea for the abandoned freeway. 500 guests from 22 neighbourhoods were invited, all sitting at a long table on the freeway to transform the vacant road into a community space. The locals started to share their stories and suggest ideas for the future use of the freeway. Signature dishes were collected from the 22 neighbourhoods and the recipes were printed on the custom stoneware plates, acknowledging the uniqueness of each district.
87% of the participants wanted the freeway to become a public space connecting the community with nature, leading to the birth of the Innerbelt National Forest in 2018. This two-month pilot had successfully created a temporary public space next to the freeway with hammocks, kids playing area, observation deck and outdoor classroom, etc. Organiser submitted the report after the event and hope this freeway can be transformed into a permanent community space in the future.
相片來源 Photo source: innerbeltforest
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