PARK(ing) Day: 一年一日 車位變公園|A Parking Space is a Park

【吉事GUTS:CASE】一年一日 車位變公園
今個星期六,GUTS 的成員將會飛到新加坡,參與一年一度的 Park(ing) Day 2019
Park(ing) Day 又名「國際公園日」,由美國設計工作室 Rebar 在 2005 年發起,當時設計師 Matt Passmore 覺得三藩市缺乏公共空間讓人休息。為了喚起公眾關注這個問題,他租了一個泊車位,鋪上草皮,放上長凳和一棵樹🌳,將車位變成微型公園,讓市民隨意使用這個公共空間。
今年新加坡的 Park(ing) Day 2019 將會封起 Tan Quee Lan Street 及 Liang Seah Street,如果你身在新加坡,不容錯過!
A Parking Space is a Park
TGIF! Our GUTS team members are on the way to the Park(ing) Day 2019 annual event in Singapore!
Park(ing) Day started in 2005, when Matt Passmore at Rebar Studio from San Francisco rented an outdoor parking lot for two hours, turning this tiny space into a temporary park for the public to have an excellent relaxing time.
This project was to call attention to the need for more urban open space, said Matt, who believed improving the better use of underutilized public space could enhance the quality of urban human habitat. Little did he know, the event went viral, and the Park(ing) Day project has blossomed out of that.
Rebar Studio later decided to make it an “open source” project, for designers around the world to create their version of “Park(ing) Day” event. There are now more than 400 cities around the globe participated, Singapore has started Park(ing) Day since 2013, streets are closed every year in September for designers and communities to create their own “parks” for ONE day.
This year, Tan Quee Lan Street and Liang Seah Street will be blocked for Park(ing) Day, if you happen to be in Singapore, don’t miss it!
相片來源 Photo source: CITYLAB, One Bite Social
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