香港無所不在的欄杆,究竟有幾多?|A closer look: Hong Kong’s endless pedestrian railings

近年香港街道上最常見的欄杆有兩款,一款打直、一款打橫。打直的一款,鐵欄編排較密,間距約為10厘米,主要為防止行人及物件跌出車路; 打橫的一款,常見於路口、過路設施附近,鐵欄間距有30厘米,作用是讓行車司機能望穿欄杆,確保沒有行人衝出車路。[4]
A closer look: Hong Kong’s endless pedestrian railings
Hong Kong’s urban landscape has been in the remaking since last year – have you noticed that some sidewalks in our bustling streets seem more open and flexible to walk through? The disappearance of pedestrian railings, surprisingly, was not accompanied with a surge in traffic accidents or vehicle-pedestrian collisions. Can we take this as an opportunity to rethink local street planning? Let’s take a closer look at our railings to get a better understanding of this common utility.
1500 km of pedestrian barricades
Hong Kong’s pedestrian railings have been proliferating in the recent decade. In 2018, there were a total length of 1500 km of metal fences all over the city, doubling the number in 2010. If all the fences were being lined up in a straight line, it could be extended all the way from Hong Kong to Korea!
Who put up these railings?
Who is responsible for all these railings? It depends on the location of the railing. If the railing is in a park, it is likely that it belongs to the Leisure and Culture Service Department, while the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department is responsible for those in country parks. If you see railings along the roadside, they are the joint effort of two government departments. The Transport Department would first evaluate and decide where should the railings be put up, while the Highways Department would be responsible for the installation of the railings.
The costs
Depending on materials and design, the costs of pedestrian railings varies. A 1-meter railing would normally cost $300 to install, and $400 annually to maintain. According to the media source, anyone who has damaged the railings will be fined $400 per meter.
Under normal circumstances, metal railings can be used for 7-15 years, depending on the use of materials and where they are placed.
Horizontal VS Vertical bars
There are currently two common types of railings on the streets in Hong Kong, one with vertical bars and one with horizontal bars. The railing type with vertical bars is denser, with the bars spacing about 10cm apart, mainly to prevent pedestrians or objects from falling onto the vehicular road. On the other hand, the railing type with horizontal bars is typically located near the pedestrian crossings, with wider spaces between bars (~30cm) to allow drivers to view through the railing, giving them sight of whether any pedestrian is crossing the road.
Railings are not crash cushions
As the Transport Department stated, the pedestrian railings alongside Hong Kong cannot act as crash cushions when traffic accident happens. The primary function of such facilities is segregating pedestrians and vehicles, keeping people from crossing outside the pedestrian sidewalk.
註 Note:
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