倫敦吉事:拆走欄杆 反而更安全﹗|GUTS in London: fewer railings, safer road!

早在 2003 年,倫敦交通局為了改善道路設施,開始討論欄杆的利弊,認為在巿內安裝欄杆,是為道路安全和管理著想,但欄杆同時也會令行人不便和降低街道景觀的吸引力。於是,交通局在巿內比較了 37 個有欄杆與沒有欄杆的地點,結論是欄杆不是沒有用處,不過在減少交通意外數字方面,看來沒有太大影響力。研究報告更為安裝欄杆訂立指引:在有其他方法確保道路安全時,不應該考慮安裝新欄杆。
報告出爐後,2011 年倫敦展開了一個大規模拆除欄杆的項目,翌年,蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡亦跟隨研究減少巿內的欄杆數目。倫敦交通局其後花了 6 年時間,監察移除欄杆的影響,在70個拆除欄杆的地點分析,發現拆除欄杆後,嚴重交通意外的數字竟然大跌 56% !2018年的研究報告指出,在有欄杆的情況下,一般行人都會減低警覺性;若沒有欄杆,司機則會加倍留意路面情況和主動減低車速。有份負責移除欄杆項目的工程師解釋,欄杆有時會給司機一種「隧道視野(Tunnel vision)」,以為途人都在被圍起的行人路上很安全,而且對於因為各種原因選擇走在欄杆外的行人來說,他們要花更多時間才能重返行人路上。
至於香港的情況,與倫敦則是完全相反,近十年街道上安裝的欄杆總長度不減反加,從 730 公里增至 1500 公里,增加了一倍﹗時至今日,沒想到鬧巿的欄杆被大量拆掉,反而給這件吉事一個意外的實驗機會,拆除欄杆有否改變行人的步行習慣?欄杆與交通意外的關係又是怎樣?把觀察記錄下來,對於構思「拆除欄杆如何有助改善步行空間」相當有用﹗
地點 : 倫敦、愛丁堡
The disappearance of railings in Hong Kong sidewalks has sparked new discussions on whether these facilities are inhibiting the city’s liveliness. While GUTSMANS and some organizations have suggested that the Government should improve walkability by not reinstalling the guard railings, others worry that it would threaten pedestrian safety. However, GUTS has found a report by Transport for London that indicated otherwise - removing railings could actually bring down the numbers of traffic accident!
Since 2003, the British government has become increasingly concerned about the adverse impact of guard railings to pedestrian’s convenience and street scene. In light of this, Transport for London carried out a comprehensive review and surveyed pedestrian behaviour at 37 sites in London. The results suggested that guard railings are not completely useless, but it does not enhance road safety as much as anticipated. The report concluded that sites with guard railings were found to have a higher rate of accidents and pedestrian conflicts, and they recommended that railings should only be considered when no other more effective alternatives are available.
Subsequently, Transport for London commenced a programme in 2011 to remove large amounts of pedestrian railings in London, which was soon followed by other cities such as Edinburgh. Transport for London carried on its rather comprehensive research, monitoring the pedestrian’s behaviour in 70 sites 3 years before and after the removal of railings, and the results revealed that deaths and serious injuries had dropped by 56 per cent! The research report stated that the presence of guard railings gave illusions to both pedestrians and drivers. While it gave the pedestrians on the sidewalk a false sense of security, the drivers were also tricked into a ‘tunnel vision’, misinterpreting the pedestrians behind the railings as well-protected and safe. On the contrary, when the railings were removed, drivers have to consciously and continuously stay cautious and pay more attention to pedestrian behaviour.
While London has actively been seeking to become more walkable by removing excessive protective railings, Hong Kong has apparently opted for the contrary. In Hong Kong, the number of railings has been doubled in the past decade, and more sidewalks have been given extra ‘protection’. With railings being unofficially removed in a remarkable scale since last year, here is a call for action for all GUTMANS! By observing and recording how pedestrian behaviour changes with the lack of guard rails, and its implications to the number of traffic accident, we may be able to compile a comprehensive study of why railing is stopping our city to become more walkable!
Photos source: Internet, Eltis.org
Location: London, Edinburgh
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