【吉字大典|GUTS: Dictionary】Power of 10+

Power of 10+
規劃地方營造的項目,規模可大可小,有時可能無從入手。美國 Project for Public Spaces (PPS) 組織,設計出一套規劃地方營造的框架概念,名叫 「Power of 10+」,讓任何吉人在規劃地方營造項目前,有更周全的考量。
「Power of 10+」的概念由 Project for Public Spaces (PPS) 設計,能夠應用在大小不同城市,評估和推動當地的地方營造項目。這是一個有用的地方營造工具,助你規劃和評估項目成效。
How to start planning for a placemaking project? Project for Public Spaces (PPS) in the United States developed a framework concept named “The Power of 10+”. It is a tool for generating constructive conversations to identify targeted placemaking efforts. Must read before planning your new placemaking project!
The "Power of 10+” is a concept Project for Public Spaces (PPS) developed to evaluate and facilitate placemaking at multiple city scales. It is a powerful tool for generating constructive conversations to identify targeted placemaking efforts.
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