福斯吉事:改變城巿人行為 遊戲是最好方法|GUTS IN EUROPE: Want to change citizen’s behaviours? Let them play

英國倫敦巿,面對亂拋煙蒂的問題,民間組織Hubbub在2015年設計出一款「煙蒂投票箱」(Ballot Bin)——「最偉大的球員,是C朗抑或美斯?」「在這裏,你希望有多一個公共空間、抑或多一張長櫈?」「脫歐、不脫歐?」煙蒂箱上,各寫上不同的問題,以一煙蒂一票的方式,讓丟掉煙蒂也成為表態的一種,成功減少人們亂拋煙蒂的情況達46%。一年後,煙蒂箱不止在英國不同城巿用上,澳洲也引入這種煙蒂箱,反映有創意又有效的方法,是現今管理城巿大勢所趨。
地點 : 瑞典、英國、香港
In World Urbanization Prospects Report 2018, the United Nations has reported that the rapid urbanisation has risen the number of megacities from 10 in 1990 to the current 33. Among these enormous settlements with a population of over 10 million, 20 concentrates in Asia. Ever-crowding cities will inevitably face ever-increasing urban problems – more traffic accidents, choking air pollution and deteriorating public health. From major cities now rolling up their sleeves to deal with these issues, it is becoming evident that a good city is not just about neatness, hygiene and safety – the city life everyone dreams of is made of relationships, harmony and pleasure.
But how can we make paradigm shifts in our way of living so that everyone falls in love with the city they call home? In recent years, GUTS:MANs from architects to artists, from NGOs to urban planners, are interested in exploring how games make a great tool to change society for good.
Disturbed by London’s teeming with cigarette butts, civil organisation Hubbub installed on the street an unusual litter bin in 2015. The Ballot Bin invited Londoners to cast their ballots for different questions – with cigarette butts. Who’s the best player in the world, Ronaldo or Messi? Here do you want to add more public space or a new bench? Should the UK stay in Europe, stay or go? It allows smokers to speak their opinion as they discard cigarette butts; all the while reducing the cigarette butt littering incidents by 46%. One year later, the Ballot Bins expanded to different cities across the UK, and even to Australia. It proves how creativity is crucial for effective city management.
To help solve litter, Volkswagen once raised ‘the World’s Deepest Bin’ in a park. The stereo-installed bin would play a sound of trash free-falling every time it was used, as though it fell a long way down. Thanks to its curious users, the bin collected 72kg of rubbish in just a day – more than double the amount collected by its fellows nearby.
The German automobile manufacturer used this experiment to prove the Fun Theory - fun is the simplest way to change people’s behaviours. The original idea was intended to break the general understanding and encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles. For instance, how do you break the habit of using escalators and encourage walking? Volkswagen covered a staircase at Odenplan Station in Stockholm with a gigantic piano staircase, which made a sound every time one of the keys was stepped on. In just a day, commuters choosing the stairs over the escalator increased by 66% to join the fun. The campaign video was watched over 230 million times and became a viral legacy, inspiring a worldwide discussion over how to change city life with creativity.
Hong Kong MTR also encourages commuters to walk more, but the signage stickers displaying the number of stairs can hardly have the fun factor comparable to the Stockholm staircase. To change the city, we need more bold and fun ideas.
Photo source: Internet
Location: Sweden, UK, Hong Kong
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