The Haus: 廢置銀行變臨時藝廊|An Old Bank is a Five-Story Art Hub

重建之前 廢置銀行變臨時藝廊
這棟5層高的銀行大廈被Pandion收購後,由於距離拆卸還有一段時間,於是就向不少藝術團體諮詢,看看這棟建築在空置期間可以發揮甚麼用途。當地的藝術團體 @thehausberlin 就建議把大樓變成街頭藝術的臨時藝廊,並邀請世界各地的藝術家在這裡自由地創作,直到拆卸為止。
這個方案獲得Pandion批准。The Haus便邀請了超過70個國家的165名藝術團體來到柏林,每個團體獲發一間房,在2017年4月至5月期間讓他們在房間內自由地進行創作。由於創作形式沒有規限,藝術家都能在沒有壓力的情況下盡情發揮創意,也能用盡建築物的每一吋空間,天花板及走廊牆身都佈滿塗鴉及藝術品,吸引不少本地人及遊客前往參觀。這個項目在當時成為柏林的旅遊熱點,亦間接成為其他發展商的參考項目,思考閒置建築的可能性。
香港過往也有不少類似的藝術項目,如PMQ元創方在復修工程進行前,也曾有幾年時間用作deTour設計展的展覽場所,與The Haus一樣變成藝術勝地。現時在觀塘、土瓜灣等重建項目,在評估樓宇安全結構後,發展商及政府是否可以參考同樣的發展模式,活用閒置的舊樓空間?
An Old Bank is a Five-Story Art Hub
Berlin is known as an art scene, with one of the world’s graffiti-capitals with tags, political slogans and street art spreading around the city. In the year of 2017, the former 5-storey bank building in Berlin was turned into a temporary gigantic art hub for two months. The project was hosted by The Haus, making room for 165 street artists from around the world.
The Haus once said, “It doesn’t matter who you are, what your name is or what you do, make time to create things on your own and use time to really experience creating things before it’s too late.” Within the duration, the developer gave each artist a room. Artists could do whatever they wanted, as astonishing as possible, to let everyone experience a real sense of art before demolition of the building. The abandoned building became a collection of diverse forms of art creation, from installations to paintings, from statues to interactive artworks. The creative mix of physical space and urban artists had inspired a new perception of art space in the community. Countless visitors were attracted to the exhibition, provoking the norm of emptiness of abandoned buildings.
There was a similar project like The Haus in Hong Kong. Before PMQ in Central started the revitalization process, the former police married quarters was the venue of the deTour design exhibition. When we look at the numerous revitalization projects in Kwun Tong and To Kwa Wan now, can we refer to The Haus and consider a better use of the abandoned buildings before demolition?
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