Wandering the Green - Green@Kwun Tong Environmental Campaign | Hong Kong
Wandering the Green - Green@Kwun Tong Environmental Campaign
Category: Placemaking, Interior & Product, Story-telling & Communications
Type: Placemaking | Curation | Workshop
Location: Green@Kwun Ton, Kowloon Bay, Hong KongClient: Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR
Completion: 2023

Wandering the Green at Green@Kwun Tong is a prolonged series of sustainability initiatives embodies concoction of design concept and creative innovation through placemaking furniture. It serves as a pilot recycling campaign, demonstrating effective spatial planning and material strategy. With its kennel a collaborative approach that makes rapport with the community, transforming underutilised space into dynamic places that meet sustainable living needs and aspirations.
The campaign spanned over five successive weekends from 15th October to 12th November 2023, two days of which were highlighted with full-day activation events for community engagement in recycling and eco-friendly practices. Curated by onebite with GREEN COMMUNITY and Environmental Protection Department as organisers, it served as a catalyst for creating lasting public interest in the Green Stations and green communities, fostering momentum for meaningful public interest in the Green Stations by leveraging placemaking furniture and activation activities.
Throughout the event, onebite prioritized connecting families, children, and the elderly, fostering a sense of unity and shared learning. A series of thematic workshops have been organised that cover a diverse range of topics related to green living, up-cycling, sustainability, and environmental awareness. The locale, Kwun Tong, exudes a sense of reverence and restless changes, adding to this awakening cityscape are workshops tailor-made to disseminate valuable insights and practical knowledge, empowering communities to adopt eco-friendly practices in daily lives.
Experiencing Green Sunday
The project creates significant value for its users, enhances their overall experience, and pioneers strategic advancements for recycling businesses, societies, communities, and users. Through the five successive weeks of events, the operators benefit by earning the contact of collaborators, which expands their network and opens opportunities for future partnerships. This exposure enhances their knowledge and skills, contributing to their professional growth. The public derives benefits from the project through a taste of transaction using free green products and pre-loved used materials of their own. These offerings not only promote sustainable living but also provide valuable education and resources to individuals, empowering them to make eco-friendly choices in their daily lives. Utilisation of placemaking furniture fabricated by local collaborators is the kennel of the curation, by demonstrating how to effectively utilise placemaking furniture that stroke balance between visual appeal and functionality, the project showcases alternative ways to promote green living and educates the public about sustainable practices.
Design for Good ValuesPositive Impact
Build Shared Value
ESG/ Sustainability Factors
- Mission & EngagementEnvironment
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Innovation Practices
Collaborator: A nice place to, Bloom Dance Academy, Green Ladies, Hong Kong Design Institute, Making of Loft, MUDWORK, ohmykids, Show Hands Show Hong Kong, Ways Out, Wind.n.Sand, WORKSHEET, ZOEE
Photographer: Tai Ngai Lung
Videographer: Mike LinOne Biters: Alan Cheung, Brenda Hui, Elmo Ho, Katie Ng, Kevin Tang, Sarah Mui, Zita Szeto
#6 #green@community #recyclingstore #recyclingeducation # #substability #zerowaste
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