PR Newswire | Aug 2022
Hysan's gLEEful rooftop Adds Dynamics and Diversity to Building Tops
Lifestyle Asia | May 2022
H.A.N.D.S Roller Sports Ground is Hong Kong’s first rooftop skatepark
【第五立面·天台活化系列(上)】被忽視的建築空間 待開發的寶地 社區互動賦予天台「人的靈魂」
Hong Kong Architect Makes Places Reflecting Social Needs
銅鑼灣天台遊 行勻勵德邨屋邨空中花園、最Chill天台畫室+泰拳拳館!八個希慎翻新唐樓天台壁畫大檢閱 從高空睇屋頂藝術品!
Hysan's gLEEful rooftop Adds Dynamics and Diversity to Building Tops
H.A.N.D.S Roller Sports Ground is Hong Kong’s first rooftop skatepark