PMQ Cheerful April | Hong Kong
PMQ Cheerful April
Stamp To Smile
Category: Public Space & Architecture, Placemaking, Art & Culture
Type: Outdoor | Exhibition | Furniture
Location: Hong Kong
Client: PMQ Management Co. Ltd.
Completion: 2021

onebite took part in PMQ's Cheerful April program on a warm spring day in April with the installation, 'Stamp To Smile' located at PMQ's open-air plaza. The three colorful and whimsical balloon jungles were conceived to take away the worries of PMQ’s visitors and let them discover how easy it is to be happy.
The public is invited onto the platform and step on the pumping pedals to activate the balloon's air-valve. By pumping and inflating the balloon to its fullness, we hope visitors can also blow away their blues and worries. The three balloon platforms came in a variety of colors, from blue representing melancholy, red and pink for enthusiasm, orange for inspiration, and a splash of yellow in all three structures to attract everyone young at heart.
This installation is based on our entry for PARK(ing) Day 2018 in Singapore called “Balloons of HAPPYness”. We used the one-day community art event to create a workable prototype to further optimise and expand to become the current installation. Apart from retaining cheerful hues like yellow and orange, we could want to continue and bring the fun atmosphere of “Balloons of HAPPYness” from Singapore to Hong Kong.
Another aim of the installation is to be sustainable. This interactive structure did not waste balloons through one-time use and disposal. Instead, the pumping action inflated the balloon, which would then slowly deflate as the air escaped. The ebb and flow of the balloon’s size also recalled our simple childhood joy and fascination watching balloons inflate, stretch out and float in the air.
The simple and intuitive design of 'Stamp To Smile' wanted to create an easy and fun way for adults and children to interact and create a joyful balloon experience. We imagined such a structure could become playful corners populating different parts of the city where the public could enjoy quality public open spaces and destress by participating in fun activities together. Using the analogy of balloon blowing, we hope to let happiness and surprises blossom like a forest throughout the city.
Stamp To Smile • Step your worries away
Through this installation 'Stamp To Smile', onebite wanted to provide a pop-up space for people to have fun and relieve their stress and unhappiness and invite everyone to step onto the platform to have fun.
We used balloons as a creative medium to invite visitors of different ages to play together and build a joyful and relaxing place in the middle of the busy downtown area. We also hoped to remind people to take time off to rest and be playful.
As the balloons used in the exhibition are fixed, they were be blown away easily and could be reused multiple times. This limited the wastage of balloons and helped to make this installation environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Design for Good ValuesPositive Impact
ESG/ Sustainability Factors
- Civic Engagement & Giving
- Designed to giveCustomers
- Arts Media & Culture
Photographer: PMQ
One Biters: Sarah Mui, Suet Yan
#art #installation #interactive #festival #playful #cheerful #balloon