Adopt a Log | Hong Kong

Adopt a Log

Tens of thousands of trees, including many old and valuable ones were toppled by Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018. To utilise and recycle the enormous amount of fallen trees, the Art Promotion Office joined hands with One Bite Foundation Association and Hong Kong Sculpture to launch Junk! Woodworking in four episodes to raise public awareness and appreciation of the fallen logs.

The first episode was “Junk! Woodworking Exhibition” at the Hong Kong Flower Show 2019. The second episode was “Fallen Trees, Rising Hope” at Sha Tin Park, followed by the third episode “Adopt a Log Brainstorming Session”. The last episode “Adopt a Log School Project” was an educational programme which invited local primary and secondary schools to adopt the fallen logs for air-drying and further explore woodwork. Participating schools would learn the skills for woodworking and the knowledge to take care of felled logs through a series of workshops. The concept of “train the trainers” supports a sustainable and organic development in school to arouse the awareness in this environmental aspect.

The project has transformed the acute “problem” of felled logs into an opportunity for education and community-building. A total of 15 schools and over 30 teachers had joined the “Adopt a Log School Project”. 45 tree logs were saved and air-dried, eventually, being upcycled into permanent public art and furniture in the participating schools. It is the first project in the city to use the concept of adoption in tackling environmental issue.

JUNK! Woodworking